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In this tutorial on the Python print function, we are showing the way you can use Python print to output messages to the console or display results.
Find out the uses of Python map function to apply functions to objects in sequences. This tutorial on Python map focuses on lists, tuples, sets and more!
The complete guide to the CSS flex-flow property: find out the best ways of using flex flow in your website and master the flex-flow property in CSS.
The Python round function lets you round up floating point numbers. Learn to round in Python with clear explanations and examples of using Python round.
The Python random module comes in handy for generating datasets & randomizing lists. Follow this guide and learn to work with the Python random module now!
Python range() is a simple way to generate a sequence of consecutive integers. Learn how to use the Python range() function in this comprehensive guide.
A Python comment can be very handy when you need to test, debug, or explain your code. Learn to leave Python comment blocks and single-line comments now!
A while loop Python lets you repeatedly run blocks of code when certain conditions are met. Learn all about the while loop Python in this beginner's guide.
To work with time in Python, you have to use the Python time module that includes several handy functions. Learn how they work with a Python time guide!
Use HTML embed tag to easily embed video in HTML. Read here how to embed responsively with the HTML embed tag. Don't forget to check the examples.