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267 Students


What Will You Learn?

  • The Basics of CSS
  • The CSS Syntax
  • How to Design Using CSS
  • How to Create Classes and ID's


  • An Internet Connection
  • Any Type of a Text Editor
  • An Up-to-Date Web Browser
  • NFT Certificate
  • 16 Lessons
  • Beginner
  • English
  • 4.4 Rating
  • +100 XP

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Course consist of total 1h 11min of content, in total.

Section 1: Learn basic CSS tricks
Classes in CSS
Font Families
Colors in CSS
Padding in CSS
Text Align and Transforms
Margins and width
Changing the body
Latin Text Generator
Adding in a horizontal menu with HTML and CSS
Adding a background Image
Playing around with margins in CSS

About the Instructor

John Bura

Web/App/Game Developer

John Bura is a popular education instructor with more than 15 years of experience. Started programming games from 1997, now he has over 20 years of experience in this field. Also, he is a founder of Mammoth Interactive – a game development studio that produces XBOX 360, iPad, iPhone, Android, HTML 5, ad-games and more. In total, Mammoth Interactive has helped over 30,000 people to learn new skills. Till now, John Bura has contributed to 40 commercial games ranking at the top 10 in the App store. He is also providing consulting services on game and level design, project management, and programming.

John holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Calgary. He loves to workout, enjoys cycling and playing ultimate Frisbee.

So don’t miss a chance to learn from this amazing instructor. On BitDegree, you can choose from various John Bura’s courses to take your knowledge to the next level. John will teach you programming languages like Python, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and others.

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