Looking for a unified programming model and fast application design abilities? Want to exploit a rich selection of libraries that cover most of the runtime concerns? Feel like using a tool that integrates different libraries? Experienced DevOps will most likely recommend you using Spring framework without blinking. Want to learn about monolithic architecture and compare it with Spring Cloud microservices? Then you’re in the right place.
Why is it worth to learn about Spring Cloud Microservices?
Using Spring Cloud for microservice orchestration has numerous benefits. If you want to build a scalable and resilient system of microservices, your framework must be governed and adequately managed with tools that have a solid build time and runtime characteristics. Spring Cloud implements functional services and supports infrastructure services. It has an extensive set of Java applications which are integrated to address any runtime concerns. This leads to that microservices have libraries and runtime agents that perform the client-side service discovery, configuration updates, load balancing, tracking metrics, etc.
Spring cloud has become popular in the Java community even though it doesn’t impose any specific programming model. Developers use it as an addition to the EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) model to operate high-velocity large organizations with Spring Cloud microservices. Spring is the most common development framework when it comes to enterprise Java. Why? Because the global developer community uses it for writing easily testable and reusable code with high performance. Also, they value its lightness. At the time of writing this tutorial (based on Spring Framework v.4.1.6 released in March 2015), the basic Spring version weighs around 2MB. If you think that’s impressive, add the open source to have a full package!
Why take this course?
In this course on Spring Cloud microservices, you’ll cover both, the concepts of monolithic architecture and microservice architecture. When you read through Sections 1 and 2, you’ll have a concise comparison monolithic vs microservices right in front of you, ready to digest.
I’m a fan of clear and straightforward representations, so in my course, you’ll find plenty of crucial bullet-pointed information that you need to get an understanding of the topic. For example, what I want you to remember about the monolithic architecture, is that A:
But then, on the other hand, it’s B:
See my point? My comments will also be sharp and to-the-point so that you use the information as a quick guide at, for example, when deciding in terms of monolithic vs microservices architecture.
Section 3 of this course on Spring Cloud Microservices will present you with a Spring Cloud case study. You’ll discover the list of tools involved as well as descriptions of their functionality. Finally, we’ll tap into the future of Spring Cloud microservices and briefly review the future topics.
Get the concentrated information
You’ll find bullet-pointed lists of crucial information on the aspects of Spring Cloud framework. You’ll be free to do further research if you need to. This course is very convenient for those of you who want to save time and instead of browsing the web and picking bits and pieces from numerous sources, find what you need in one place, sharp and clear. Enroll today.
Course consist of total 30min of content, in total.
Amir Serry has been an ardent computer engineer for many years now, collecting broad experience in software development and training. He’s worked at mobile, web, enterprise and desktop development, maintenance. He’s lead the processes of creating software architectures and also quality assurance and control.
Amir’s educational background stems from B.SC in Computer Engineering and a Master’s degree in Computer Science and IT programs. Being a life-long learner himself, Amir has completed an almost uncountable number of independent courses and obtained multiple certifications.
Amir Serry’s course on BitDegree offers an opportunity to get concentrated information about Spring Cloud microservices. Learning with Amir, you’ll quickly develop a good understanding of the main aspects of Spring Cloud and will be able to compare monolithic architectures with microservices. As an experienced trainer, Amir Serry makes his courses easy-to-follow (bullet-pointed lists of crucial aspects). Join in to get what you need in one place!