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4 Students


What Will You Learn?

  • How to build a successful brand which serves a specific type of target audience
  • How to understand the psychology and desires of the consumer
  • How to communicate your products and services visually


  • A passion for creating a successful brand
  • A small business or an idea for one
  • NFT Certificate
  • 5 Lessons
  • Advanced
  • English
  • +100 XP

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Course consist of total 56min of content, in total.

Section 1: The Complete Guide To Branding For Small Businesses
Linkedin brand management
Setting up Linkedin and creation of your brand engagements
Preparing angel list for brand development
Using crunch base and product hunt to get more brand value

About the Instructor

96% of students rated this instructor as excellent!

It’s not often that premium skills in coding and marketing would fit into one person. But that’s the case with Naga Rakesh Chinta! Imagine an instructor who’s made a career in the world of programming, and then created and continues great marketing strategy both for himself and for others. So, if you want to follow the lead of someone who’s more than a one-trick pony, Rakesh might be a role model for you.

Naga Rakesh Chinta has been strong-willed to learn from the best teachers in top-rate world-class universities, such as Harvard, Sanford, or Michigan. That’s where he’s got the formal education majoring in data science, business, entrepreneurship, strategic management, computer science, and mathematics. That’s a lot for one person! But Rakesh has proven it possible.

Having collected that much of knowledge and experience, Rakesh is joyful to share it in online courses here on BitDegree. You may use the opportunity to learn a broad scope of topics from how to reach massive amounts of Facebook users to marketing strategies on Quora, LinkedIn, Twitter, to building UI/UX! Naga Rakesh Chinta is a versatile professional with solutions for anyone who wants to achieve success in their careers in the modern digital industries. Join his courses, and bring your career to the desired level!

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