Do you want to expand your customer base by narrowing your marketing focus? You may learn to spend your marketing budget wisely doing fruitful actions. Taking chances while presenting your product or service to masses and hoping for conversions without knowing what you can expect is quite an old-fashioned way of marketing. Learn to create a marketing plan, how to find a niche market, and how to target only your ideal customers or users!
The ‘Less is more’ principle applies in many life situations, including marketing. The old-fashioned, rude direct marketing methods of showing your product to everyone watching TV or reading a newspaper are not the best today. Simply because we have the functionality and the opportunities offered by modern technology. Today, by learning how to find a niche, we can spot the small, specific, and well-defined audience and offer what people truly need – not just offer something we’ve got and urge them to buy it.
Other benefits of niche marketing include higher brand loyalty, competitive advantage over other brands, and a better marketing spend – using your budget in the right places. To succeed, companies and marketers need to learn how to find a niche market. They need to complete thorough research, understand the industry, and be versatile with their marketing strategy.
This course on how to find a niche market is divided into 3 main sections to make your learning well-structured. There’s also a ‘Resources’ section where you’ll be able to download additional content to take with you and us it on the go. Here’s a sneak peek into what you’re going to achieve:
Naturally, it’ll take time to become a niche marketing expert, but learning how to find a niche market for a beginner can be done quite quickly. In less than two hours. That’s what this course is going to provide to you: a concentrate of the best of my knowledge working for many years to help people to build successful and profitable businesses. Join in, and I’ll see you on the other side!
Course consist of total 1h 42min of content, in total.
Wolf has for more than a decade been helping passionate people like yourself, in building their own successful and profitable service businesses.
He states his reasons for wanting to help people to be the best they can, as: "You are the person that inspires me to use my business coaching, mentoring and training skills in making your business a success."
As a trainer Wolf has traveled across the world, delivering programmes on a diverse range of subjects including soft-skills, motivational programmes as well as bespoke IT applications. In his full-time career he consults major corporate clients as a project manager for HR transformation changes.