Have you ever been in the situation when you needed to write an outstanding email to your future employer, colleague, or another important person but didn’t know how to make it the most effective and clear? Have you experienced any type of miscommunication that was the result of a poorly written email? Well, if your answer is yes and you have experienced any of those scenarios, then you are exactly where you should be. In this email writing course, you will find out everything you need to know about how to write a professional email and learn not to repeat the mistakes you did before.
In this email writing course, you will find out 5 ways that may have lead to misunderstanding of your written email and how to avoid them. You will understand that poorly written email can ruin your reputation, it can lead to huge misinterpretations and make a negative impact on your business and reputation. But don’t worry, all of these problems will be gone after you finish the email writing course.
What is more, you will learn how to write an email in an appropriate way, also, find out professional email format, how to start a professional email and ways to end an email. You will know how to write a professional letter in a clear and effective way so that they would bring you results. You will improve the structure of your email and the way you write - your style. Moreover, you will find out what phrases to use in order to write an email faster. Especially, if you are a non-native English speaker, this is a great chance to take your writing to the next level.
If you are non-speaker of English and always wanted to know how to write a professional email, then this is a great place to start. This email writing course is created for non-native speakers, therefore, the author of the course will provide you with the most crucial mistakes that non-speakers make. Trust me, not only you but many other people worry about grammar and style and it can be the reason why your writing is unnatural and hard-to-read. Furthermore, this course will provide you with real-life examples of how unclear writing can damage your business. You will get practical tasks to improve your writing with an opportunity to get immediate feedback and check your mistakes. What could be better?
Every person should be aware of how to write a professional email, but not everyone knows how to do that. Don’t be one of those people and learn how to write an email. If you have ever experienced doubts about whether you write good enough, take this email writing course. It will reveal the biggest mistakes you can make, show you how to write a professional email, how professional email format should look like and ways to end an email in an appropriate way. Everything that you misunderstood before the course will become clear after, and you will improve your self-confidence! Join the course and see how everything can change!
Course consist of total 1h 6min of content, in total.
I am a professional English teacher with 16 years of teaching experience. I travel the world, speak 5 languages, and love to help people!
I create courses which will help you learn English online at the same high-quality level as when working with a teacher one-to-one. I don’t teach coursebooks. I give you learning experience and tools for growth and confidence.