Become a paid professional in the iOS industry in weeks! Ever wondered what it feels like to have great iPhone app development skills? Well, wonder no more. This tutorial can help you learn swift programming in record time! It doesn’t end there; it will help you apply for available job positions as a junior developer.
With little or practically no experience in coding, the swift tutorial will teach you iPhone app development taking you from a total newbie to an advanced ninja with amazing portfolios to impress clients and recruiters! Are you ready to begin your journey? You only need the zeal and passion to start and complete this iPhone app development course!
Anyone can take this course! Whether the world of software programming is unfamiliar territory to you and you’ve got no clue what Swift2 is all about or you’re looking to brush up your existing skills, this course has something in store for you.
The swift tutorial will guide you from basic installations guide, Git, Swift and iOS, Arrays, Tables and Data, Pokedex, Web requests, Object-oriented programming, Dictionaries, to a portfolio with awesome real-time apps ready for launch. It will also teach you how to build and release apps on the Apple App Store and master the skills required.
By the end of the course, you will be able to take on open-source challenges or start a side project on your own.
Apple became the first company to hit $1 trillion in the United States. This figure is larger than the GDP of Australia, South Korea, Brazil and a host of other companies. This was made a reality by the billions of iPhone users worldwide.
As an iOS programmer, you will be at the center of creating and sustaining value and engagement with iPhone users. Also, the average salary of iOS developers is around $85,000 annually. This is huge!
Are you ready for the next level of your career? Get started today and learn iPhone app development!
The chatroom community is home to more than 10,000 iOS developers. The community is online 24/7 so ask away, and share your own ideas! Also, the tutor and the assistants offer live help to students in case they are stuck with a lesson, quiz or challenge. There are email contacts for students that wish to ask more questions upon completion of the course.
The great thing about completing the course is that it equips you with a solid portfolio to apply for relevant jobs as a junior iOS developer in any industry.
Course consist of total 40h 49min of content, in total.
Mark Price is known as a veteran mobile developer. He has built more than 60 mobile apps for Android and iOS. Also, he is teaching Unity 3D game development, JavaScript, Java, Node, Android iOS 10, Swift, React, and more. Through the years, Mark has made a lot of Unity 3D games like Call of Duty Ghost mobile and others.
Mark loves teaching. That’s why he is spending a lot of his time working as a professional engineering instructor. He is passionate about helping people reveal hidden talents so he teaches all who want to learn programming or begin a startup.
Moreover, Mark Price is the CEO of Devslopes that is dedicated to teaching coding skills to aspiring developers. Devslopes offers courses, quizzes, and exercises for beginners who want to become paid professionals.
On BitDegree, you have a chance to choose from various Mark Price’s courses. You can learn how to develop a game, app or website, improve your coding skills and much more. So look no further, choose a course and start learning with Mark Price today!