Games such as Pokémon GO & Zombies, Run! are brought to life by using real time location integration. Adding real-time locations and mapping into your games with Unity 3D makes your game into a location-based experience.
In this Mapbox Unity tutorial, you will learn how to add location data into any game using a creative mix of Mapbox tools including; Mapbox mapping, Mapbox navigation, and location search SDKs.
Learn to integrate that kind of real-life experience in the games you make. In making the videos for this comprehensive tutorial, the collaboration of Mapbox folk came in handy.
You'll learn not just what Mapbox is capable of doing but also practical skills such as how to add Mapbox’s SDK to your game development projects using Unity 3D, then learn how to make your game into a better experience by location data and map integration. In this Mapbox studio tutorial, you’ll get started by building a clone of Pokémon GO called PocketDroids GO where players will capture Droids based on real-time location and map data which you will integrate into your game using Mapbox.
Next, you’ll build another location-based game called Drenches of War, a portable defense game. Using Mapbox’s Terrain Vector Tile (TVT) system, you will also learn how to generate buildings and obstacles dynamically. If this Mapbox tutorial sounds like fun, it’s because it is!
This Mapbox Unity tutorial is the most comprehensive on the net and answers all questions you can have on the topic ranging from beginner questions such “What is Mapbox?” to more complex and advanced user questions. But this is not why this course stands out. Going beyond “what is Mapbox?” and allied questions, this Mapbox unity tutorial allows you to buckle down and get into the practical application of the knowledge from the get-go. Top game developers hammer on the importance of actually working on and practicing skills that you will actually need when integrating locations into your game.
This course recognizes the need for this balance and provides it while not losing out on the fun (which actually aids skill retention). Another special feature of this course is the vibrant live-community of other students who are always available to brainstorm and solve tough problems with.
The course covers Mapbox SDK integration into Unity 3D games, Custom 3D Map generation using the 3D map maker, Real-world experience using the Points of Interest feature and lots more!
What Will You Learn?
The game, as a genre, is constantly evolving and virtual reality is now melding into physical reality. Stay in touch with the times by taking this Mapbox Unity tutorial!
The Unity Mapbox tutorial is perfect for Unity 3D Game developers who are looking to incorporate location-based gameplay.
Course consist of total 10h 12min of content, in total.
Mark Price is known as a veteran mobile developer. He has built more than 60 mobile apps for Android and iOS. Also, he is teaching Unity 3D game development, JavaScript, Java, Node, Android iOS 10, Swift, React, and more. Through the years, Mark has made a lot of Unity 3D games like Call of Duty Ghost mobile and others.
Mark loves teaching. That’s why he is spending a lot of his time working as a professional engineering instructor. He is passionate about helping people reveal hidden talents so he teaches all who want to learn programming or begin a startup.
Moreover, Mark Price is the CEO of Devslopes that is dedicated to teaching coding skills to aspiring developers. Devslopes offers courses, quizzes, and exercises for beginners who want to become paid professionals.
On BitDegree, you have a chance to choose from various Mark Price’s courses. You can learn how to develop a game, app or website, improve your coding skills and much more. So look no further, choose a course and start learning with Mark Price today!