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There’s one thing that unites both those who are just starting out with Web3, as well as industry veterans. Do you know what that *thing* is? If you said “having fun”, you’re on point - many user Layer3 reviews would probably agree with that sentiment, as well!

Layer3 is a unique project that holds some notable value for anyone who’s even a little bit adventurous and Web3-savvy. At the same time, the platform acts as a sort of a gateway to the industry, a middle ground where newbies and Web3 projects meet.

Albeit quite different from revolutionary crypto mission projects such as the BitDegree Missions, Layer3 has a peculiar charm surrounding it - one that, to this day, has attracted over 750k users and counting.

Is Layer3 legit and worth checking out, or is it a temporary gimmick that will soon die down, like many wannabe Web3 innovations over the years? Well, let’s find out!

Verdict at a Gance: Layer3 is a gamified questing platform where users can tackle various quests and tasks submitted by different crypto and Web3 projects, and earn rewards in the process. The platform features a retro gaming aesthetic, and is super simple to get into. However, some users note that the quests themselves are often very short and not educational enough, and that the reward system can be confusing.


  • Retro design elements
  • Clear, user-friendly UI
  • Education-driven quests
  • Gamification elements


  • Could have bigger quest variety
  • Quests could be more informative

Layer3 Review: PROS

Let’s start off our Layer3 review talking about some of the most notable features of the platform, as well as the biggest benefits that it can offer to both users and Web3 projects.

Indeed, there are essentially two userbases, when it comes to answering “what is Layer3?” - it’s both an enthusiast-onboarding platform, as well as a sort of a launchpad for projects to create quests, and attract new users to their respective platforms.

Confusing? Let’s break it down.

A Web3 Questing Platform for Users & Projects, Alike

Crypto quests” are a relatively new concept in the space. However, it has already garnered a lot of attention from the wider circle of enthusiasts - if you’re familiar with any quest / task / community / mission projects, such as the BitDegree Missions, that’s probably not too surprising to you.

If not, though, here’s a quick recap - crypto quests (and all of the synonyms used in place of that term) are tasks that you can do in order to earn / win some potential rewards.

These quests are conducted by various Web3-related projects, in order to boost their brand recognition and user count. They are also usually conducted on designated platforms, such as the one discussed in this Layer3 review.

Layer3 review: Web3 native growth solution.

I know that the reward question tends to come up, so let me address it, too - the rewards that you’d receive from questing platforms will mostly depend on the underlying projects that created those quests. Some quest hosts (such as Layer3) provide certain “additional” or “standardized” rewards, others - no rewards, at all.

So, as lame as it might sound - it depends.

With the context in hand, let’s focus on Layer3 - what kind of a quest provider is this particular platform?

Well, for starters, it’s a quest “hosting” project. What this means is that Layer3 hosts quests for other Web3 brands - companies can come to the platform, and create quests and communities that their (potential) users would then interact with.

Given that Web3 is often viewed as "the next generational step in the information age"[1], you can probably imagine that there are plenty of such brands, as well.

Layer3 review: featured quests.

That being said, those looking at what is Layer3 should also note that the project does have quests of its own, as well - we’ll get to that later in the review, though.

Unlike many other crypto-questing platforms, though, Layer3 is also very end user-oriented, as well. This is evident from the way that the whole platform is designed - themed questlines, a clear starting point, quizzes about the user’s intentions, and so on.

As far as this Layer3 review is concerned, what it all boils down to is the fact that the platform in question is designed with both users and Web3 projects in mind. While that might sound self-evident at first, if you have any prior experience exploring crypto quest projects, you probably know that this isn’t always the case.

Layer3 review: quests to tell a story, for businesses.

Oftentimes, Web3 questing platforms focus on one of the two - they might have an amazing community-building tool, with lots of features and add-ons, but lack proper user onboarding and engagement options. On the flip side, projects that focus heavily on user experience tend to suffer in the quest creation and brand communication departments.

Layer3, however, appears to have struck a good balance between the two - great news for anyone wondering is Layer3 legit!

Very Beginner-Friendly

One of the big proclaimed strengths of crypto quests is that they can be a great gateway into the world of Web3. They’re often positioned as tools aimed at the mainstream - the masses, if you will -, and a way to effectively onboard people into the space, which can seem complex and convoluted otherwise.

It is true that most quest platforms out there are beginner-friendly - this is simply because they are all beginner-oriented, in the first place. However, the subject matter of the quests themselves is just one part of the deal - ease of use is made up of multiple variables.

When it comes to this Layer3 review, I’d say the platform in question has gotten most of them right. Let’s check.

First of all, the design - probably one of the most unique and interesting Layer3 features. Upon first visiting the project, you’ll immediately see what I mean. Layer3 features a retro-esq design all throughout, resembling older indie RPG titles. With many crypto questers being fans of traditional gaming, this design serves a clear purpose - to be inviting and familiar to the user.

Layer3 review: Layer3 quest profile.

Next up - whenever you visit the questing site for the first time, and connect your wallet, you’ll see quests designed and launched by Layer3 themselves, at the top of the page. These quests span some of the more important topics of Web3 - DeFi, NFTs, token bridging, and a few others.

The fact that Layer3 has quests of their own design is a pretty cool concept, to begin with. That said, you might come across some user Layer3 reviews that express excitement about these quests for a different reason - the tasks housed within serve as a great introduction to both how Layer3 works, as well as how you can start interacting with the fundamental aspects of Web3.

Moving on, there’s also the simplicity of the quests / tasks themselves. Now, this is a bit of a contentious point among user Layer3 reviews, but I’ll get back to that contention a bit later - first, let me tell you about the ‘benefits’ of the quest design.

Layer3 review: the stats of Layer3.

Your tasks - as well as any additional information - will be presented in the form of slides. The information that you receive is going to be super-minimal, in the majority of cases - some background, task description, and that’s about it.

Employing this sort of a “short and to the point” model, Layer3 aims to not overbear the user with information, and, instead, keep the questing process smooth and engaging.

Lastly, you have all of the smaller details surrounding different Layer3 features, as well as the “general feel” of the platform. Reward showcasing, platform layout, the terminology used, and so on, and so forth - every little detail comes together to create a beginner-friendly experience. So, once again - if you’re wondering is Layer3 legit, it would certainly appear so, simply from the effort put into the platform’s design!

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A Few Different Reward Options

Now, the way that questing platform rewards work is often somewhat confusing, simply due to the fact that there’s not really a single, set system for rewarding quest participants.

User Layer3 reviews will tell you that the situation isn’t all that different with the platform in question, either.

Layer3 has multiple reward types that projects which create quests on it can offer to the user. The list of possible rewards looks like so:

  • XP - experience points, better known simply as XP, are used to track the progress of the user on Layer3. Unlike many other questing sites, the XP is shared on Layer3 - so, no matter which communities you choose to participate in, you’ll be able to accumulate shared XP and level up. Experience points can be used to track leaderboard stats, unlock new quests, gain different perks, and so on.
  • Discord Roles - a popular reward for certain quests, Web3 communities can give out special Discord roles to active users. These roles are up to the underlying projects to decide, and the reward can house an array of benefits, depending on how well the roles are designed.
  • Tokens - pretty self-explanatory - projects can choose to give out their native tokens, as a form of reward for completing quests. While there’s no such thing as Layer3 price for the user, it’s worth noting that only ERC-20 tokens will be valid, as well as those launched on compatible chains.
  • NFTs - if you’re a project looking to reward your fans and users with NFTs, you’ll be glad to hear that Layer3 supports this type of reward! The platform can mint ERC-1155 tokens (the standard for Ethereum-based NFTs), and then send them to the user when they complete a quest. A noteworthy point here is that the transaction during which the NFT is sent over is gassless - meaning, there are no Layer3 fees or "Layer3 price" involved.
  • Achievements & Chests - This reward is more so general, rather than related to specific communities or projects. User Layer3 reviews will tell you that, as you complete quests on the platform, you’ll unlock different achievements and chests. These not only signify your progress within Layer3, but can also contain NFT and XP rewards, too.

All of the reward types offered by Layer3 are quite common to see, when it comes to crypto questing platforms. However, the project in question appears to have documented it quite well, and even the way that the rewards are presented within the quests themselves is rather unique.

With most quests, you’ll *kind of* see what you’ll receive - meaning, the icons will showcase that, for example, you’ll get XP rewards, but some tasks also house chests, too. What these chests contain will remain a mystery, up until you complete the quest and claim them.

Available to US-Based Individuals

Admittedly, at first glance, this might seem like a pretty odd benefit, when it comes to the Layer3 review.

That said, if you know anything about the regulatory landscape of crypto, you can probably see where I’m coming from.

It’s no secret that many crypto- and Web3-related products and services are banned in the United States, simply due to the regulations in place within the country. While this is so in order to protect investors, with the novelty of the space, it inadvertently ends up swaying legitimate businesses and projects away, too.

Layer3 review: Ethereum quests.

Some quest platforms might face difficulties within the States, due to those exact reasons. However, at least as of writing this Layer3 review, the project is available to be reached and utilized by US users.

This doesn’t only work to answer questions such as “is Layer3 safe?”, but also opens the door for a huge number of people to be able to check out crypto questing for themselves!

Decent Task Variety

There are multiple variables that make quests interesting and attractive, but certainly, one of the biggest of these would be task variety.

You don’t even need to read through user Layer3 reviews to understand why that’s the case.

The more varied the tasks, the more exciting and fun your experience is going to be. Consequently, the larger are the chances that you’ll keep on questing on the platform, too!

Compared to some competing quest providers, Layer3 does, indeed, have a rather decent task choice pool. The tasks range from simple quizzes, all the way to social and blockchain-based steps.

Layer3 review: badges.

It’s worth pointing out, however, that the task variety will depend largely on the underlying project that you’ve chosen to engage with. So, some projects might have decently varied task lists, while others would be mostly, say, blockchain-based.

All of that said, if you’re looking at how to use Layer3, do also keep in mind that while many tasks are going to be self-explanatory, others might require you to look around for information, and increase your experience with Web3, before tackling them. This is especially true when it comes to blockchain-based tasks - Layer3 offers little to no guidance on how to complete them.

Layer3 Review: CONS

Up to this point in the Layer3 review, we’ve covered some of the most notable benefits of the questing platform. As with anything else in life, though, nothing’s perfect - innovative approaches to Web3 community-building aren’t an exception.

While user Layer3 feedback is somewhat scarce, one thing that comes up would have to do with the educational edge of the platform - rather, lack of it.

Quests Could be More Educational

Unlike projects such as the BitDegree Web3 Exam & Missions, Layer3 doesn’t appear to necessarily focus on the educational aspect of Web3 questing.

This is actually a pretty interesting and two-sided point to discuss, so let’s take it from the top.

On the one hand, Layer3 employs a rather Web3-native approach to Web3 education - learning by doing. Many of the quests housed on the platform will have you directly interacting with the underlying projects.

So, imagine that you want to do a quest about, say, Uniswap. Within the quest, one of the tasks that you need to complete would be to swap some tokens on said DEX. Even if you never interacted with Uniswap before, you would be able to try it out with your own hands, instead of reading about using it on other pages.

Generally speaking, this is considered to be a 'good' thing. However, as you learn about how to use Layer3, you will quickly stumble across a small issue - if you don’t know how to interact with the underlying platform, you’re basically left to figure it out on your own.

Layer3 review: a quest to mint an NFT on Highlight.

Layer3 doesn’t provide users with thorough guides or walkthroughs of how to complete the many tasks offered by the partner brands. Sure, you could say that it’s up to the projects themselves to provide such guides, but whatever the case might be, they’re still non-existent, either way.

On top of that, the vast majority of the quests available on Layer3 are focused on specific projects or ecosystems. While this doesn’t seem to come up all that often among user Layer3 reviews, if you’re looking to learn about crypto or Web3, as a whole, the platform in question might turn out to be lacking in that regard.

Note that Layer3 does have quests about concepts such as Ethereum, NFTs, Layer-2s, and similar. That said, same as with most other quests on the platform, these tasks are very short (information-wise), and mostly cover only the very fundamentals of each topic.

No Individual Project Leaderboards

While questions such as “is Layer3 safe?” should always be at the forefront when analyzing different platforms, there are naturally other features that the project might have - or lack - that are rather notable, as well.

In this case, one of such features would be the leaderboards.

Layer3 does have a user leaderboard, where you can check your progress as well as how you compete with other players, XP-wise. The fact of the matter, however, is that this leaderboard is frankly site-wide - as a user, you accumulate XP doing various quests, and all of it sums up to a final, leaderboard-worthy number at the end.

Layer3 review: top user leaderboards (the last 30 days).

The lack of project-specific leaderboards is a shame! While a general leaderboard will most likely suffice for most people, if you’re an individual who’s looking to show support for a specific project, the best way to do so would be via participation in that project’s quests, and climbing up the project-specific leaderboard.

Is this some major con that cannot be overlooked? No, most definitely not - that said, it’s certainly part of the answer to the question of what is Layer3, and can impact some people’s decision on using the platform, instead of some competing options that do have individual leaderboards, such as Zealy.

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Layer3 Alternatives

We have the pros, we have the cons - what’s left?

Well, all the pros and cons in the world won’t really say much without putting something into proper context, and comparing it with its peers.

So, that’s what’s next in this Layer3 review - let’s compare the platform with some other quest / mission / task / you-get-it projects, and see where it stands!

Layer3 VS BitDegree

BitDegree is one of the leading Web3 education providers globally. The platform has been active since 2017, and, throughout these years, has had multiple iterations and upgrades, all culminating in a goal of becoming the No. 1 Web3 hub in the world.

Somewhat recently, BitDegree launched the first global Web3 Exam, accompanied by Missions within the BitDegree Guild. A lot of new and very exciting features, but let’s focus on the ones that are most relevant to this comparison.

As we’ve established quite firmly in this Layer3 review already, this project focuses on very short quests that introduce the user to some particular crypto project or, in some cases, concept.

Layer3 review: BitDegree Web3 Exam showcase.

BitDegree’s Web3 Exam, on the other hand, spans a vast array of topics - focusing on Web3 fundamentals -, and to top that off, two of the three levels of the Exam have content pieces that come attached with each round. Those content pieces can be used to find answers to the questions / tasks of the round.

One thing that both the BitDegree Web3 Exam as well as Layer3 have in common is the pricing. Rather, lack of it - if you’re searching for Layer3 pricing, or the Layer3 fees, I’m glad to say that there are none, for the user.

The same is true with the Web3 Exam, as well as its accompanying BitDegree Missions - they are completely free to access by anyone, with no hidden fees or payments involved.

Layer3 review: BitDegree Web3 Exam prizes.

Not only that, students who take the BitDegree Web3 Exam have the opportunity to participate in the Lucky Draw events, during which prizes worth over $500,000 will be distributed to the lucky winners!

On top of that, every participant of the Exam who scores at least 10 points in either of the Exam levels will become eligible to mint a free NFT Certificate of Completion, which serves as a sort of “Proof of Learn”.

This is yet another advantage that the BitDegree Web3 Exam has over Layer3 - rewards. While the latter project does offer some really cool initiatives (XP system, NFTs, different types of achievements, etc.), the Exam brings a lot more to the table, both quantity- and magnitude-wise.

With there being a lot of talk about how bringing Web3 into the eLearning sphere can overhaul the current system to be much more well-optimized[2], BitDegree is surely at the forefront of building a clear path to Web3 education worldwide!

Layer3 VS Zealy

Layer3 and Zealy might appear pretty similar, at first glance. Both platforms act as “hosting” grounds for projects to come in and host their quests on. Both of them also offer a variety of different quests to the end users.

One big difference is that Zealy’s quest rewards almost exclusively revolve around XP points. Granted that each community ahs its own XP leaderboards, those experience points could then perhaps be converted into some other prizes or rewards - this, however, is at the sole discretion of the underlying projects themselves.

Layer3 review: Zealy quest example.

User Layer3 reviews will also sometimes bring up the design differences between this platform and its competitors. Indeed - while Layer3 is designed to look like a true old-school questing hub, Zealy is seemingly going for a bit more of a modern look and layout.

The questing experience itself is quite similar, with quests on both platforms being rather short and single-task-driven. That said, on Zealy, questing takes place on dedicated community hubs, whereas on Layer3, you can pick and choose quests one by one, and complete them on a standalone basis.

Naturally, both platforms are completely free to use.

Layer3 VS Questn

As far as questing platforms go, Questn is among the best-known names out there. The project is rather popular among both users and Web3 projects alike - that being said, it’s also notably different Layer3.

The two biggest differences that are evident when analyzing Layer3 reviews and Questn reviews are design and target audience. Let’s address the latter, first.

Questn is a very brand- and project-oriented quest host. Its focus lies on helping brands market their ideas and services to the broader Web3 community, as well as onboard as many new users as possible.

What this essentially means is that Questn comes equipped with a lot of high-end features for the brands to create their own quests, and then host them on the platform in question. On top of that, Questn has a reputation for allowing even smaller and completely unknown projects create quests, as well - while some quest providers have “project size” metrics enforced, Questn is open to all.

Layer3 review: Questn quests.

As we’ve already established quite extensively in this Layer3 review, this platform is oriented more towards the end users - the actual individuals who will be taking the quests. This difference in focus results in other important differences between the two quest providers, most notably - website layout and design.

While it depends on who you ask, many enthusiasts would probably tell you that Layer3 features a bit more of an inviting design, especially for Web2 natives. Questn, on the other hand, appears to be more popular among already-fans of Web3 - people who kind of know their way around the industry, and are looking for new and crypto-focused projects to try out, and earn rewards from.

The reward model is similar between both Questn and Layer3 - it’s up to the underlying project to decide. Both platforms are also completely free to use.


If there’s one thing that should have been evident from the entirety of my Layer3 review, it’s that this project is part of a concept in Web3 that’s been progressively growing in popularity - crypto questing.

That’s not at all too surprising - with it being a really cool and effective way to attract newcomers to the space, it’s kind of a win-win-win situation - the user receives Web3 knowledge and rewards, the underlying project attracts new users, and the quest host get to evolve their business model even further!

Is Layer3 legit and safe to use? It appears to be so - most user reviews that you’ll find online are quite positive towards the project.

That being said, if you’d like to try out something similar to crypto quests, but much more educational and long-term, with some astonishing rewards up for grabs, make sure to check out the BitDegree Missions - you won’t be disappointed!

The content published on this website is not aimed to give any kind of financial, investment, trading, or any other form of advice. BitDegree.org does not endorse or suggest you to buy, sell or hold any kind of cryptocurrency. Before making financial investment decisions, do consult your financial advisor.

Scientific References

1. Sheridan D., Harris J,. Wear F., et al.: 'Web3 Challenges and Opportunities for the Market';

2. Hui-Xiang X., Ying X.: 'Study on the optimization of the personalized E-learning system based on Web3.0'.

About Article's Experts & Analysts

By Aaron S.


Having completed a Master’s degree in Economics, Politics, and Cultures of the East Asia region, Aaron has written scientific papers analyzing the differences between Western and Collective forms of capitalism in the post-World War II era. W...
Aaron S. Editor-In-Chief
Having completed a Master’s degree in Economics, Politics, and Cultures of the East Asia region, Aaron has written scientific papers analyzing the differences between Western and Collective forms of capitalism in the post-World War II era.
With close to a decade of experience in the FinTech industry, Aaron understands all of the biggest issues and struggles that crypto enthusiasts face. He’s a passionate analyst who is concerned with data-driven and fact-based content, as well as that which speaks to both Web3 natives and industry newcomers.
Aaron is the go-to person for everything and anything related to digital currencies. With a huge passion for blockchain & Web3 education, Aaron strives to transform the space as we know it, and make it more approachable to complete beginners.
Aaron has been quoted by multiple established outlets, and is a published author himself. Even during his free time, he enjoys researching the market trends, and looking for the next supernova.

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What is Layer3 crypto?

While there aren't all that many user Layer3 reviews out there, the platform is generally described as a crypto questing project that both creates quests of its own, as well as hosts those from other Web3 projects. There's no such thing as a Layer3 price - it's free to use! -, and the quests housed within are very short, with different cool rewards available. If, however, you're looking for a more educational experience, or rewards that include NFT certificates and half a million dollars worth of a prize pool, the BitDegree Web3 Exam might prove to be a better alternative.

What are Layer3 disadvantages?

While Layer3 doesn't necessarily have many disadvantages, there are areas that the platform could improve on. The biggest point of contention would have to do with the educational aspect of the quests found within - while they are great at introducing users to new projects and crypto concepts, they also often lack information on how to perform certain blockchain-based tasks. This, in turn, leads to confusion for new users. On the flip side, an example of how such required guidance could look can be seen within the BitDegree Web3 Exam and Missions - they house content that the user can utilize while performing different tasks. Not only that, but each blockchain action has a dedicated guide that enthusiasts can follow in order to complete it successfully.

How to pick the best crypto exchange for yourself?

Picking out the best crypto exchange for yourself, you should always focus on maintaining a balance between the essential features that all top crypto exchanges should have, and those that are important to you, personally. For example, all of the best exchanges should possess top-tier security features, but if you're looking to trade only the main cryptocurrencies, you probably don't really care too much about the variety of coins available on the exchange. It's all a case-by-case scenario!

Which cryptocurrency exchange is best for beginners?

Reading through various best crypto exchange reviews online, you're bound to notice that one of the things that most of these exchanges have in common is that they are very simple to use. While some are more straightforward and beginner-friendly than others, you shouldn't encounter any difficulties with either of the top-rated exchanges. That said, many users believe that KuCoin is one of the simpler exchanges on the current market.

What is the difference between a crypto exchange and a brokerage?

In layman's terms, a cryptocurrency exchange is a place where you meet and exchange cryptocurrencies with another person. The exchange platform (i.e. Binance) acts as a middleman - it connects you (your offer or request) with that other person (the seller or the buyer). With a brokerage, however, there is no "other person" - you come and exchange your crypto coins or fiat money with the platform in question, without the interference of any third party. When considering cryptocurrency exchange rankings, though, both of these types of businesses (exchanges and brokerages) are usually just thrown under the umbrella term - exchange. This is done for the sake of simplicity.

Are all the top cryptocurrency exchanges based in the United States?

No, definitely not! While some of the top cryptocurrency exchanges are, indeed, based in the United States (i.e. KuCoin or Kraken), there are other very well-known industry leaders that are located all over the world. For example, Binance is based in Tokyo, Japan, while Bittrex is located in Liechtenstein. While there are many reasons for why an exchange would prefer to be based in one location over another, most of them boil down to business intricacies, and usually have no effect on the user of the platform.



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