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Crypto Terms:  Letter B
Jul 07, 2023 |
updated: Apr 02, 2024

What is Bitcoin Core?

Bitcoin Core Meaning:
Bitcoin Core - a piece of software that allows running nodes.
1 minute

Let's find out Bitcoin Core meaning, definition in crypto, what is Bitcoin Core, and all other detailed facts.

Bitcoin Core is open-source software that enables users to connect to the Bitcoin network and run nodes. This means that users can validate blocks and verify transactions independently. In turn, a trustless environment is guaranteed.

Moreover, Bitcoin Core functions as a cold wallet. Users can also link their external wallets and validate their transactions.

Frequent Bitcoin users can benefit from running Bitcoin Core. It offers enhanced privacy and security features. Users that run Bitcoin Core can avoid some disadvantages related to software wallets that interact with third-party servers which leaves their IP address exposed. 

It was launched in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto under the name Bitcoin. In order to avoid mix-ups with the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, it was renamed Bitcoin Core in 2014.

Bitcoin Core is constantly updated by the Core development team that operates in a completely decentralized way. Many of the developers choose to remain anonymous just like the creator of Bitcoin.