The animated sci-fi show Futurama has once again set its satirical sights on the crypto world, targeting non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in its latest episode that premiered on Hulu on July 29.
Set in the year 3024, the episode titled "The One Amigo" sees the characters grappling with the concept of NFTs after selling a collection featuring the show's iconic robot, Bender.
The episode is filled with comedic moments, including older characters pulling their hair out in frustration while trying to understand NFTs and falling asleep at the mere mention of blockchain.
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The episode also features a parody of the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection, renamed the "Apathetic Fish Society," and humorously delves into the hypothetical theft of an NFT using mystical code from an ancient robotic civilization.
In one scene, children explain the complexities of NFTs, noting:
You can't just delete an NFT. There are billions of copies stored all over the universe <...> But only the museum has access to a hashcode on the blockchain that authenticates ownership.
The show's ability to blend futuristic scenarios with current technological trends continues to entertain and engage viewers, especially with its sharp-witted takes on crypto.
This isn't the first time Futurama has poked fun at this industry. An episode that aired last year called "How the West Was 1010001" parodied Bitcoin mining in a Wild West setting.