Kabosu, the beloved Shiba Inu who became the face of the famous "Doge" meme and Dogecoin cryptocurrency, peacefully passed away on May 24 at the age of 18.
Kabosu's owner, Atsuko Sato, shared the news on her official blog. Sato expressed gratitude for the immense support and love Kabosu received over the years.
A farewell event for "Kabo-chan" is planned for Flower Kaori in Kotsu no Mori, Narita City, on May 26.
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The crypto community and fans worldwide have been mourning the loss, sharing heartfelt tributes and cherished memories of the dog who became an internet sensation. Kabosu's influence on crypto culture, particularly through Dogecoin, will remain a symbol of community and inspiration for future meme culture.
Kabosu first entered the spotlight in 2010 when Sato shared photos of her adopted Shiba Inu on her blog. One image quickly went viral and spawned the "Doge" meme, featuring broken English phrases in the comic sans font.
The popularity of the Doge meme soared in 2013 with the creation of Dogecoin, which adopted Kabosu's image as its logo. Originally intended as a joke, Dogecoin has grown to become the 9th-largest cryptocurrency.
In December 2022, Sato revealed that Kabosu was in a severe health condition, prompting a surge of support from the crypto community. Dogecoin co-creator Billy Markus then urged his followers to show their support, resulting in fans offering to cover Kabosu's medical expenses.
The beloved Shiba Inu's legacy as the face of Dogecoin and a central figure in meme culture continues to inspire and unite people globally. The crypto community's outpouring of love and support highlights the profound effect Kabosu had on both the internet and crypto.
Kabosu's impact in crypto is particularly evident with the grip that memecoins have recently had on the crypto market.