Telegram, the globally recognized messaging app, is set to revolutionize its platform by introducing an advertising system built on The Open Network (TON) blockchain.
Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, revealed that channel owners across over 100 countries will have the opportunity to monetize their content starting in March.
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Despite Telegram's vast reach, with over one trillion monthly views on broadcast channels, only a fraction of these views are monetized through Telegram Ads.
The new platform will allow users to earn a 50% share of the ad revenues generated from their channels.
This initiative will leverage the TON blockchain exclusively for transactions, marking a unique integration of blockchain technology in social media monetization.
Durov stated that the ad revenues would be distributed in Toncoin, TON's native cryptocurrency. Creators will be able to either withdraw their earnings or reinvest them into enhancing and promoting their channels.
The introduction of this ad platform has already made a notable impact on the TON blockchain, with Toncoin experiencing a 19.4% price surge within 24 hours, standing at $2.59 at the time of writing. TON boasts a market cap of $8.9 billion, ranking it the 17th largest.
This new ad platform represents a step forward in monetizing digital content while fostering a closer relationship between creators and the blockchain ecosystem.
This collaboration was previously marked by Telegram's crypto wallet being built on the TON blockchain.