Live CHEQ Price Analysis
The current real time cheqd price is $0.0557, and its trading volume is $136,132 in the last 24 hours. CHEQ price has plummeted by
in the last day, and decreased by
in the last 7 days. It's important to note that current cheqd market capitalization is $35,779,786, Talking about circulating supply, CHEQ has 642,492,815 coins. Currently, cheqd rank on the market is #560.
cheqd price today is
all time high, and it is
all time low.
All data and prices are updated in real-time. The most active and popular exchanges for buying or selling CHEQ are Binance, Kucoin & Kraken. Find more crypto exchange options on our Crypto Exchange Tracker. The most secure hardware wallets for keeping your cryptocurrency safe are Ledger and Trezor.
What is cheqd (CHEQ)?
CHEQ is the native token of cheqd, which is a blockchain-based authentic data network that intends to provide self-sovereign identity (SSI) companies with the means of building and delivering secure solutions to their users. It does this by eliminating the need for authentication certificates. All in all, through the use of the cheqd token, the goal of the project is to develop an incentivized and decentralized identity network that will become the go-to solution for digital credentials.
Apart from the CHEQ coin, the other two parts that make up the cheqd system are the public permissionless network and a suite of mobile and backed software tools. The former is used for issuing SSI credentials while the latter can be used by SSI vendors.
Interested in the current or the previous CHEQ price? Take a look at the cheqd price chart above.
Use Cases of CHEQ Tokens
In essence, the CHEQ token is a means of compensation for actors of the cheqd network. It allows them to compensate each other for the creation og digital credentials without jeopardizing the users' privacy and security.
Who Founded cheqd?
cheqd was developed by a group of blockchain enthusiasts who saw the potential of cryptocurrencies and their underlying technology to revolutionize the way we transact online. Fraser Edwards and Ankur Banerjee are the co-founders of the cheqd crypto project. Fraser Edwards is also the CEO of the project while Ankur Banerjee is the CTO.
What's cheqd trading volume in the last 24 hours?
CHEQ has a trading volume of $136,132 in the last 24 hours.
What's cheqd highest price ever?
CHEQ has a highest price of $0.7058, which was reached on Nov 29, 2021 (3 years 2 weeks ago).
What's cheqd lowest price ever?
CHEQ has a lowest price of $0.0041, which was reached on Dec 11, 2022 (2 years 1 week ago).
What are the best exchanges for buying and selling CHEQ?
What are the safest hardware wallets for keeping CHEQ?
According to an in-depth review process and testing, Ledger and Trezor are one of the safest and most popular hardware wallet options for keeping cheqd. For exclusive discounts and promotions on best crypto wallets, visit Crypto Deal Directory.
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