Live DAPP Price Analysis
The current real time LiquidApps price is $0.0000574, and its trading volume is $0 in the last 24 hours. DAPP price has grew by
in the last day, and decreased by
in the last 7 days. It's important to note that current LiquidApps market capitalization is $40,757, Talking about circulating supply, DAPP has 709,902,294 coins. Currently, LiquidApps rank on the market is #1841.
LiquidApps price today is
all time high, and it is
all time low.
All data and prices are updated in real-time. The most active and popular exchanges for buying or selling DAPP are Binance, Kucoin & Kraken. Find more crypto exchange options on our Crypto Exchange Tracker. The most secure hardware wallets for keeping your cryptocurrency safe are Ledger and Trezor.
What is LiquidApps (DAPP)?
DAPP is the native token of the LiquidApps crypto platform. LiquidApps aims to accelerate the widespread adoption of dApps by delivering a set of digital tools called the "DAPP Network" that significantly simplifies and lowers the cost of creating blockchain-based applications. You can check the latest DAPP price here. The DAPP Network has a provisioning layer comprising DAPP Service Providers (DSPs), who engage in open competition to serve developers creating dApps. The DSPs provide a range of tools, including additional memory (vRAM), online oracles, free virtual accounts (vAccount), and services for scheduled activities (CRON).
Utilizing the DAPP token, users can access a wide range of resources and services. In addition, developers can use the DAPP coin to build dApps with users in mind.
Beni Hakak, Tal Muskal, Eyal Hertzog, Galia Benartzi, Guy Benartzi, Yudi Levi, Miri Bikel, and Shimon Erlichman are the founding team of the DAPP network.
Make sure to check the recent LiquidApps price changes before deciding to buy the token.
What's LiquidApps trading volume in the last 24 hours?
DAPP has a trading volume of $0 in the last 24 hours.
What's LiquidApps highest price ever?
DAPP has a highest price of $0.0930, which was reached on Sep 02, 2020 (4 years 5 months ago).
What's LiquidApps lowest price ever?
DAPP has a lowest price of $0.0000186, which was reached on Nov 14, 2023 (1 year 3 months ago).
What are the best exchanges for buying and selling DAPP?
Currently, the most active and dominating exchanges for buying and selling LiquidApps are Binance, Kraken & Kucoin. The most popular LiquidApps trading pairs are Head to the Crypto Deal Directory to access custom & exclusive discounts, vouchers and welcome bonuses from the most popular exchanges.
What are the safest hardware wallets for keeping DAPP?
According to an in-depth review process and testing, Ledger and Trezor are one of the safest and most popular hardware wallet options for keeping LiquidApps. For exclusive discounts and promotions on best crypto wallets, visit Crypto Deal Directory.
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