Live SIDUS Price Analysis
The current real time SIDUS price is $0.0016, and its trading volume is $199,938 in the last 24 hours. SIDUS price has plummeted by
in the last day, and decreased by
in the last 7 days. It's important to note that current SIDUS market capitalization is $20,481,435, Talking about circulating supply, SIDUS has 12,462,871,382 coins. Currently, SIDUS rank on the market is #583.
SIDUS price today is
all time high, and it is
all time low.
All data and prices are updated in real-time. The most active and popular exchanges for buying or selling SIDUS are Binance, Kucoin & Kraken. Find more crypto exchange options on our Crypto Exchange Tracker. The most secure hardware wallets for keeping your cryptocurrency safe are Ledger and Trezor.
What is SIDUS (SIDUS)?
SIDUS crypto is the gaming token of the SIDUS HEROES platform in which rewards are paid out. It is the main currency used in the SIDUS coin marketplace and other in-game and out-of-game services, which lets players invest in infrastructure like the game’s marketplace. A mechanism exists for irreversibly burning the coin with in-game spending, which permanently reduces the token issue.
There are four co-founders of SIDUS HEROES. Dan Khomenko, CEO and Co-Founder, has collaborated with over 500 projects in the crypto sector. Andrey Sudarikov, Co-Founder and Creative Director, after co-founding the interactive design studio PlayDisplay. Dmitry Andreev, Co-Founder and Art Director, is included in the list of Top 100 digital artists, according to the National Russian Museum. Roman Povolotski, Co-Founder and Game Producer, is the creator of the ‘Cyber Russia’ project.
Users who hold SIDUS tokens are able to purchase Heroes and Pets from SIDUS collections and the gear for them, resources, tools, consumables, and loot boxes.
Check the SIDUS price chart above to see the live SIDUS price.
What's SIDUS trading volume in the last 24 hours?
SIDUS has a trading volume of $199,938 in the last 24 hours.
What's SIDUS highest price ever?
SIDUS has a highest price of $94.27, which was reached on May 13, 2024 (9 months 1 week ago).
What's SIDUS lowest price ever?
SIDUS has a lowest price of $0.0001, which was reached on Dec 11, 2022 (2 years 2 months ago).
What are the best exchanges for buying and selling SIDUS?
What are the safest hardware wallets for keeping SIDUS?
According to an in-depth review process and testing, Ledger and Trezor are one of the safest and most popular hardware wallet options for keeping SIDUS. For exclusive discounts and promotions on best crypto wallets, visit Crypto Deal Directory.
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