Looking at the Top Crypto Gainers chart, it's clear that Valor Token takes the first spot as the Top Crypto Gainer in the last 24 hours, with a price increase of 81.20%. Valor Token current price is $0.1672. The second place today goes to ROGin AI, with a current price of $0.2384, which had a 43.58% growth. Currently, the last (tenth) spot in the Top Crypto Gainers chart is occupied by Cellframe, with a 21.88% price growth, but the dynamics might change really fast. Learn More
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Cryptocurrencies with the biggest price increase in the last 24 hours.
Note: cryptocurrencies with a Volume of $50k or more & a Verified Market Cap are included only.
Cryptocurrencies with the biggest price decrease in the last 24 hours.
Note: cryptocurrencies with a Volume of $50k or more & a Verified Market Cap are included only.
Cryptocurrencies with the highest amount of visits in the last 24 hours.
Note: cryptocurrencies with a Volume of $50k or more & a Verified Market Cap are included only.
Cryptocurrencies with the biggest trading volume on the market.
Note: cryptocurrencies with a Verified Market Cap are included only.
Cryptocurrencies with the biggest trading volume increase in the last 24 hours.
Note: cryptocurrencies with a Volume of $50k or more & a Verified Market Cap are included only.
Cryptocurrencies with the most active social media channels in the last 7 days.
Note: cryptocurrencies with a Verified Market Cap are included only.
Ranking Formula:
- X Followers increase: 5% weight in the overall score (>= 50k)
- Reddit Subscribers increase: 90% weight in the overall score (>= 30k)
- Telegram Followers increase: 5% weight in the overall score (>= 10k)
By analyzing the Top Crypto Losers chart, we can see that the top spot for the biggest decline is taken by RED TOKEN, which has a price of $0.0000706, with a 56.23% drop in the last 24 hours. The second biggest decline is seen from BizAuto - its current price is $0.0017, with a 23.23% drop. If we look at the last spot on the Top Losers chart, we can see IRISnet, which currently demonstrates a price decrease of 10.65%. The analysis of the visitors' Top Trending Crypto chart shows that Pi is the most visited cryptocurrency during the last 24 hours. The second place for the Top Trending Crypto goes to Bitcoin.
Another important metric to keep an eye on is the Most Traded Crypto. Today, the chart shows that the biggest trading volume in the last 24 hours has been reached by Baby Doge Coin. This cryptocurrency has a volume of $155,289,653,467, with a 50.12% increase. The second place is occupied by Tether - this cryptocurrency has a current trading volume of $151,517,243,952, which has grown by 10.46%. If we look at cryptocurrencies from the trading volume increase perspective, we can see that the biggest surplus in volume in the span of 24 hours has been achieved by Numeraire - it has grown by 2,406.13%, with a trading volume of $48,817,921. Stepping on its toes is Metadium - this crypto's trading volume has increased by 929.66%.
Tracking and analyzing Top Crypto Gainers & Losers, Top Trending Crypto, and other metrics is vital for understanding the real-time moves & crypto strategies you should be employing. Analyzing the social presence of cryptocurrency projects is highly important, as well. The Most Socially Active cryptos chart ranking is based on the activity of their X, Reddit & Telegram accounts. Based on the social activity formula, the most active cryptocurrency in the last week is OAX, followed by Dohrnii and Kaspa. All of these discussed metrics should help you make an easier decision on which cryptocurrency has the highest potential right now, and what to keep your eye on.