- 1. Using the CSS animation shorthand
- 2. Naming the animation
- 3. Specifying the duration
- 4. Manipulating the animation pace
- 5. Defining the CSS animation delay
- 6. Specifying the number of animation cycles
- 7. Modifying animation direction
- 8. Styling an inactive animation
- 9. Is the animation running?
- 10. Browser support
Using the CSS animation shorthand
By using the CSS animation
property, you can animate other properties:
.animated {
-webkit-animation: go 2s infinite; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
animation: go 2s infinite;
It is actually a shorthand for eight subproperties:
We will be explaining each animation subproperty separately in the following sections.
The syntax rules for using the CSS animation
property are simple:
animation: name duration timing delay iteration direction fill play;
As you're using the shorthand, there's no need to list the subproperties – you just need to define the values you need. You don't need to use all of the subproperties, but animation-name
and animation-duration
are necessary for the CSS animation
property to work as intended.
Note: for the shorthand to work properly, make sure you list the values in the same order as listed above.
Naming the animation
The CSS animation-name
property sets a particular animation to be applied to the chosen element:
.animated {
-webkit-animation-name: animation; /* Opera, Chrome, Safari */
animation-name: animation;
The syntax for this CSS animation property is simple:
animation-name: value;
The value can be either none
which represents no keyframes, or a custom name used to identify the animation. To create one, you can use letters (mind case-sensitivity), numbers, underscores and dashes.
Specifying the duration
To define the length of the animation cycle, use the CSS animation-duration
.animated {
-webkit-animation-duration: 2s; /* Opera, Chrome, Safari */
animation-duration: 2s;
The syntax for CSS animation-duration
is simple – you just need to define the preferred duration in seconds:
animation-duration: value;
Note: if you don't define the duration for the animation, it will not run at all, as the default value is 0s.
Manipulating the animation pace
The CSS animation-timing-function
defines the pace of your animation:
animation-timing-function: value;
To make the changes smoother, a speed curve is used. If you are familiar with computer graphics, you might already know what a Bezier Curve means. Basically, it is a curve model defined by four points. When writing the animation-timing-function
property, you can define custom values for your curve or choose predefined options:
Value | Description |
cubic‑bezier(n,n,n,n) | Different speeds at four parts of the animation defined by custom values in the range from 0 to 1 |
ease | The default value. Increases towards the middle, then slows back down |
linear | Keeps a stable pace |
ease-out | Starts quickly and slows down |
ease-in | Starts slowly and speeds up |
ease-in-out | Transitions slowly, speeds up and slows down again |
Another way to define the pace is by using steps:
animation-timing-function: steps(x, term);
In this kind of syntax, x
represents the number of steps for the animation. Each of them will be shown for the same amount of time. The term
defines the way it behaves:
Term | Meaning |
jump-start | The first jump happens at the very start of the animation |
start | The first jump happens at the very start of the animation |
jump-end | The last jump happens at the very end of the animation |
end | The last jump happens at the very end of the animation |
jump-both | Pauses are added at the very start and the very end of the animation |
jump-none | There are no jumps at the very start and the very end of the animation |
If you only need to define one step, you can use step-start
instead of steps(1, jump-start)
and step-end
for steps(1, jump-end)
.step-start {
animation-timing-function: step-start;
.step-end {
animation-timing-function: step-end;
Defining the CSS animation delay
The CSS animation-delay
property can be used to specify the delay before an animation starts:
.animated {
-webkit-animation-delay: 3s; /* Opera, Chrome, Safari */
animation-delay: 3s;
The syntax is very straightforward – you just need to define the CSS animation delay in seconds:
animation-delay: value;

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Specifying the number of animation cycles
The CSS animation-iteration-count
property defines how many times an animation should normally play:
The syntax for this property is simple:
animation-iteration-count: value;
You can either define the number of times or use the keyword infinite
to make the animation run indefinitely. The default value for this property is 1
Modifying animation direction
To make a certain animation play in reverse or alternate cycles, use the CSS animation-direction
div {
-webkit-animation-direction: alternate; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
animation-direction: alternate;
To use this property, you need to define one of the four available values:
animation-direction: value;
Value | Description |
normal | Default. The animation runs normally |
reverse | The animation runs in reverse. Timing functions are reversed as well |
alternate | The animation runs normally, then keeps reversing the direction with each new cycle |
alternate-reverse | The animation runs in reverse, then keeps reversing the direction with each new cycle |
Note: the Safari browsers does not support reverse and alternate-reverse.
Styling an inactive animation
The CSS animation-fill-mode
property is used to set the style for an element while the animation is not active (finished or delayed):
.animated {
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: both; /* Opera, Chrome, Safari */
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
Typically, animations do not affect the element until they have finished playing. This CSS animation property can override such behavior.
The CSS animation-fill-mode
property accepts four values:
animation-fill-mode: value;
Value | Description |
none | The default value. An animation has no styles applied when it's not running. |
forwards | The animation keeps the values of the last keyframe after it finishes running. |
backwards | The animation has the values of the first keyframe before it starts running. |
both | The animation will follow the rules applied by both forwards and backwards. |
Is the animation running?
The CSS animation-play-state
property defines whether the animation is running:
animation-play-state: value;
This CSS animation property accepts two values:
Value | Description |
running | The animation is running |
paused | The animation is paused |
Tip: start learning animations with simple ones, such as CSS fade in and CSS fade out. It will also make creating sequences easier.
Browser support






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