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JavaScript Basics: Main Concepts and Principles Explained

Reading time 4 min
Published Jan 21, 2019
Updated Jan 21, 2020

Javascript Basics
Almost every beginner in web development starts with the same subject: HTML. By itself, HTML doesn't offer much interactivity, but most sites are still looking pretty sharp and dynamic.

Interactive elements like pop-ups, slideshows, forms, animated graphics, and other customized content is added to websites with JavaScript. To develop such interactive sites, you should get familiar with JavaScript basics. You no longer need to learn JavaScript the hard way: our tutorials are listed according to their complexity. Therefore, you can start from the beginner-friendly topics.

JavaScript (or JS for short) is a lightweight, dynamic scripting language, designed to support prototype-based programming. It is mainly used for front-end development but also has a Node.js framework for the server-side scripting. Developers praise Node.js server for its stability and for rendering quickly on both browsers and servers. Therefore, its popularity is rapidly growing.

If you wish to simplify programming using JavaScript, we suggest you learn about jQuery: a library of pre-written JavaScript code. When you need to add, say, an animation into your website, you can use the shorter jQuery code. Even if you only know JavaScript basics, jQuery will allow you to improve websites without having to write the code yourself.

When it comes to Java vs. JavaScript, people might get confused. Discussing this topic used to be easier before JavaScript introduced server-side capabilities. However, Java and JavaScript are used for different purposes and require different resources. Therefore, there should not be a Java vs. JavaScript battle, as they are not even fighting in the same category.

The primary difference between Java and JavaScript is that Java is a static programming language, used for back-end and application development. Even though JavaScript is slowly entering the server-side, its primary purpose was to deal with the front-end interface.

Why You Should Learn JavaScript

You might be asking: what is JavaScript used for? By learning JavaScript basics, you will improve your skillset enough to perform the following tasks:

  • Interactive content: you can add dynamic functionality to your website and make it more attractive to visitors. Nobody likes boring pages that simply present static information.
  • Event-driven programming: you can quickly edit websites by interacting with them.
  • Back-end coding: you can use Node.js framework for server-side scripting.
  • Game development: you can use one of many JavaScript libraries to help you create games.
  • Easy to use with a learn-by-doing approach
  • Offers quality content
  • Gamified in-browser coding experience
  • The price matches the quality
  • Suitable for learners ranging from beginner to advanced
Main Features
  • Free certificates of completion
  • Focused on data science skills
  • Flexible learning timetable
  • Simplistic design (no unnecessary information)
  • High-quality courses (even the free ones)
  • Variety of features
Main Features
  • Nanodegree programs
  • Suitable for enterprises
  • Paid Certificates of completion
  • A wide range of learning programs
  • University-level courses
  • Easy to navigate
  • Verified certificates
  • Free learning track available
Main Features
  • University-level courses
  • Suitable for enterprises
  • Verified certificates of completion

Where to Start

If JavaScript is new to you, you might not be able to plan your learning process efficiently. Here is a list of steps you should follow to learn JavaScript basics and also its more advanced aspects:

  • If you want to make your big break in web development, JavaScript is not enough. You should learn HTML and CSS as well. Our tutorials will provide you with enough information to prepare you for learning JavaScript.
  • Start by reading the JavaScript tutorial and introduction. They contain JavaScript basics, main functionalities, and other useful information.
  • The following tutorials cover more specific aspects of JavaScript. For instance, you will learn how JavaScript is added to HTML, rules for writing code using JavaScript, and usage of different JavaScript statements.
  • As a beginner, you should never miss an opportunity to practice. We offer code examples for you to edit conveniently. Simply click our Try it Live button, and see code changes instantly.
  • If you are struggling to use JavaScript, you can always turn to our interactive or video courses. Video courses give you much more information on the subject, and interactive ones will make it more fun to learn a new topic.

What You Will Learn

These tutorials will offer you material covering a variety of different JavaScript functions. In other words, you will be able to explain what is JavaScript used for. You'll be able to learn JavaScript basics through both theory and practice. Also, you'll understand why it is essential to know JavaScript, as it is one of the three main web development languages, along with HTML and CSS.

After reading our tutorial, do not stop there! Read explanations, and practice by playing around with code examples before moving on to more advanced material. If you wish to get more information and only have an hour to spare, watch our video course in which the basic JavaScript syntax and functions will be explained in an efficient manner.

If you want to enroll in an interactive course, we have a solution for you as well. This gamified course will help you develop a website on your own and improve it with dynamic content!