alert | Shows a modal window that has a specific message and an OK button. |
array.length | Returns the length of an array |
array.map | Invokes a function for every element of an array (in order) |
array.push | Adds elements to an array and declares a new length |
array.sort | Sorts array elements in either alphabetic or ascending, and descending or ascending order |
boolean | Returns either true or false based on the specified statement or condition |
break and continue | Break stops a loop from running. Continue skips an iteration of a loop |
className | Sets or returns the name of a class of an HTML element |
confirm | Displays a specified message in a dialog box, containing OK and CANCEL buttons |
decodeURIComponent | Decodes URI components |
if | Runs code when a condition is met |
indexOf | Searches the array for a specified item, then returns its position |
innerHTML | Sets or returns the HTML content inside an element |
Math | Performs mathematical calculations |
Math.random | Generates a random number from 0 (inclusive) up to but not including 1 (exclusive) |
Number | Converts object arguments into numbers |
number.toString | Converts a number to a string |
onclick | An event that occurs when the user clicks on an element |
onload | Transpires when an object is loaded |
replace | Searches a string for a regular expression or a specified value and returns a string with replaced specified values |
setAttribute | Adds a specified attribute to an element, giving the attribute a certain value |
setInterval | Executes a specified function multiple times at set time intervals specified in milliseconds (1000ms = 1second) |
setTimeout | Calls a function after the time specified in milliseconds (1000 ms = 1 second) has passed |
slice | Returns selected elements of an array into a new array object |
splice | Adds or removes items from an array |
string.includes | Determines whether a string contains characters of a specified string or not |
string.indexOf | Returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified value inside a string variable |
string.split | Splits a data string into a substrings array and returns the new array |
style.display | Sets or returns the display type of a specified element |
submit | Submits an HTML form |
substr | Extracts parts of a string |
substring | Extracts the symbols between two indexes and returns a data string |
switch | Executes actions for various conditions |
for | Runs a piece of code a set number of times |
forEach | Applies a specified function for every item in a particular array individually |
location.reload | Reloads the current web page |
parseInt | Converts a string to an integer |
prompt | Displays a dialog box, which would require a person to type in input |
test | Looks for a match inside a string variable |
throw, try and catch | The try and catch block lets you set an error handling code: try defines a code of block that will be tested for errors, and catch defines a code of block that handles the error |
toLowerCase | Converts all letters in a specified string lowercase |
toUpperCase | Converts all letters in a specified string to uppercase |
use strict | Sets JavaScript code to be executed in strict mode |
while | Executes a block of code as long as the defined condition is true |
window.history | Holds information about internet browsers history |
window.location | Gets information about the current address (URL) |
window.navigator | Contains the information about the user's browser |
window.screen | Holds the information about the screen of the browser (for instance, the screen width and height) |