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Learn How to Use Correct Syntax in Your PHP Code

Reading time 3 min
Published Apr 10, 2019
Updated Oct 2, 2019

As you learn PHP basics, you have to pay close attention to the syntax. It is a set of rules on how you write if you wish for your text (in this case, PHP code) to be understood correctly and work its magic as it should.

If you don't follow PHP syntax, all your hard work will be in vain: even if you know the functions by heart, the server will not be able to understand and execute your commands.

To tame the chaos, in 2009, PHP Framework Interop Group introduced a set of documents called The PHP Standards Recommendation. While it's not necessary to know every word, the basics are a must. That is exactly why we prepared a simple tutorial on PHP code syntax for you to follow and use as a cheat sheet.

PHP Code: Main Tips

  • Every PHP script has to stay between between <?php and ?>.
  • Every PHP statement must end with a semicolon (;).
  • Only variables are case-sensitive: functions or keywords are not.

Basic PHP Syntax

A PHP file usually consists of HTML tags and PHP script, and its default file extension is .php. You can put PHP script anywhere in the document, as long as you surround it with <?php and ?>:

// Here is PHP code

This is a simple PHP example with echo statement:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <h1>My first PHP web page</h1>
    <?php echo "Hello Drago!"; ?> 

Comments in PHP

A comment in PHP code cannot be executed as a program: it can be seen only by the developer reading the code. Mostly PHP comments are used as friendly reminders or explanations.

As you code in a rush of passion, you might sometimes leave little elements that your brain will not remember later. That is how comments in PHP can be helpful not only to others who view your PHP code but also to yourself.

You might also comment out PHP code lines - leave parts of it hidden. Maybe you'll return to them later, or maybe your colleague will find it a helpful suggestion outside the PHP basics box.

In the example you can see different types of PHP comments that are supported:

<!DOCTYPE html>

// A comment in the single line

# Another way of a comment in the single line

A comment in 
the multiple 

// A code line parts can be left out with comments
$number = 19 /* + 39 */ + 12;
echo $number;

PHP Case Sensitivity

In the rules of PHP syntax, case-sensitivity does not apply to any keywords (else, if, echo, while, etc.), functions, user-defined functions or classes.

In the example below all three echo lines are equal and produce exactly the same result.

  ECHO "Hello, Drago!<br>";
  echo "Hello, Drago!<br>";
  EcHo "Hello, Drago!<br>";

However, variable names are always case-sensitive.

First echo statement that you can see in the example below (the one that begins with $name) will be displayed correctly. The other two will not: $NAME and $nAmE are treated as different variables because they are written in a different way in the PHP code.

  $name = "John";
  echo "I love " . $name . "<br>";
  // echo "This is " . $NAME . "<br>";
  // echo "My friend is " . $nAmE . "<br>";
  // uncoment lines above to try how it doesn't work.

PHP Code: Summary

  • You should always surround your PHP code with <?php and ?> and end your statements with semicolons (;).
  • Functions or keywords aren't case-sensitive, but variables are.
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Form Action
Prepared Statements
ZIP File
HTTP Response
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