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PHP for Loop: How Is It Different from PHP foreach Loop

Reading time 3 min
Published Aug 8, 2017
Updated Sep 24, 2019

After learning the concept of PHP loops and getting to know their simplest types, you should try the more complex ones - PHP for and PHP foreach loops.

PHP foreach loops have a particular purpose. They are meant to be used with the more complex types of PHP variables - arrays and objects. Using foreach PHP code blocks will be run repeatedly with their every element in a row.

Now, PHP for loop is meant to execute portions of code multiple times. You can specify how many times the execution will occur. Therefore, this loop is best-suited in situations when you are confident of the times the block of code needs to run. No conditions matter: in any case, a loop runs a specified number of times.

PHP for Loop and foreach: Main Tips

  • Loops run a selected block of code multiple times.
  • PHP for loop should be used when you know exactly how many times it should be looped.
  • PHP foreach loop only works with arrays and objects. It runs with their every element.

for() Defined

The for loop PHP script runs a block of code multiple times repeatedly. The number of times has to be specified in advance.

It might become clearer if you analyze an example. You will notice that the code below prints out the numbers from 0 to 10:

  for ($x = 0; $x <= 10; $x++) 
     echo "The number is: $x <br>";

Correct Syntax

For PHP for loop to function properly, you must keep the correct syntax in mind:

for (init; test; increment)


Understanding what each element stands for makes it easier to commit the syntax rules to your memory. Let's break them down to understand how to use PHP for loop even better:

  • init: Specifies the start value.
  • test: Checks the specified condition with every loop. If it is true, the loop continues. If it proves False, the loop stops.
  • increment: Changes the value of iterator with every loop.

foreach() Explained

The PHP foreach loop functions in a similar way as the regular PHPfor loop, but only works with arrays and objects. If you try to use it on other types of variables, an error will occur. Different rules for syntax apply as well.

With every foreach PHP loop, the $value parameter changes to a new value. During a PHP loop through array or an object, $value obtains every element's value one by one until the array ends.

Look at the example below. In it, PHP foreach loop is used to display every element in the $animals array:

  $animals = array("rabbit", "cat", "bmw", "lama");
  foreach ($animals as $value) 
     echo "$value <br>";


If you wish for your PHP foreach loop to execute as it should, you must follow the syntax requirements. Take a look:

foreach (array_expression as $value)

PHP for Loop and foreach: Summary

  • Loops are meant to ease running a certain portion of code repetitively.
  • When using for loop, you should know in advance how many times you want the code to be looped.
  • foreach loop only works with complex variables (arrays and objects). It works with their every element seperately.
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