SQL Wildcard: Main Tips
- Wildcards have the same purpose as Regular Expressions.
- A wildcard character is an alternative character replacing certain other character(s) in a string.
- SQL wildcards are useful when you want to perform a faster search for data in a database.
- MS Access uses a question mark (
) instead of an underscore (_
). [charlist]
can be used in SQL Server and MS Access.- You can combine several wildcards.
Wildcard Characters
An alternate for more than zero characters.
This example selects all developers with a City starting with 'pa'.
This example selects all developers with a City containing the pattern 'am'.
An alternate for a single character.
This example selects all developers with a City starting with any character, followed by 'ondon'.
This example selects all developers with a City starting with 'D', followed by any character, followed by 'l', followed by any character, followed by 'i'.
Specifies ranges of characters and sets to match.
This example selects all developers with a City starting with 'n', 'l', or 'm'.
SELECT * FROM Developers
WHERE City LIKE '[nlm]%';
This example selects all developers with a City starting with 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'd'.
SELECT * FROM Developers
WHERE City LIKE '[a-d]%';
[^charlist] and [!charlist]
Specifies ranges of characters and sets NOT to match.
This example selects all developers with a City NOT starting with 'p', 'd', or 'm'.
SELECT * FROM Developers
WHERE City LIKE '[!pdm]%';

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Using LIKE Operators with _ and % Wildcards
WHERE DeveloperName LIKE 's%'
Searches for a value where 's' is the first symbol.
WHERE DeveloperName LIKE '%s'
Searches for a value where 's' is the last symbol.
WHERE DeveloperName LIKE '%on%'
Searches for a value which has 'on' in it.
WHERE DeveloperName LIKE '_n%'
Searches for a value where 'n' is the second symbol
WHERE DeveloperName LIKE 'b_%_%'
Searches for a value where 'b' is the first character and the string is at least 3 characters long.
WHERE DeveloperName LIKE 't%s'
Searches for a value where 't' is the first symbol and 's' is the last symbol.
SQL Wildcard: Summary
- Wildcard characters work the same as Regular Expressions.
- You can use several wildcards in a single string.
- Some databases may use a different SQL wildcard for the same function.