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digitalexchange.id Statistics

digitalexchange.id Volume
Volume in BTC
Volume Change 24h
Market Dominance
Market Rank

digitalexchange.id Exchange Overview

digitalexchange.id is a Centralized exchange that ranks #139 on BitDegree Exchange Tracker. digitalexchange.id has a trading volume of $25,777 in the last 24 hours and $160,967,709 in the last 7 days.

digitalexchange.id currently has 69 cryptocurrencies, 1 fiat currencies and 68 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs).

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digitalexchange.id is a centralized crypto exchange launched in 2019. The exchange is headquartered in Jakarta. It provides users with the digitalexchange.id spot market that consists of trading pairs with the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR).

The exchange is focused on Indonesian users, however, it can be accessed from different countries around the world. The users can access the digitalexchange.id crypto exchange through both – mobile and desktop devices. Besides, as it is a centralized exchange, users have to complete the KYC process by submitting their National Identity Card (KTP) or passport and confirming their address.


Supporting 61 cryptocurrencies in 60 digitalexchange.id trading pairs. Since all trading pairs are made with IDR, digitalexchange.id is a crypto-fiat-only exchange. Every buying and selling transaction that occurs on digitalexchange.id is subject to paying taker/maker fees. In Beta markets, taker/maker fees are charged at 0.15%, and for non-beta markets, a variation fee is charged between 0.15% - 0.3%.

Users are advised to look for price differences above 2% so that profits are not cut off by admin fees. To get this premium feature, users must have a record digitalexchange.id trade volume per month reaching IDR 250,000,000.

In terms of the digitalexchange.id exchange fees, the platform charges an IDR withdrawal fee of under IDR 200,000,000. Whereas for withdrawals above IDR 200,000,000, the admin fee that must be paid is IDR 100,000.

The digitalexchange.id crypto fee for withdrawals varies depending on the type of token. 12 cryptocurrencies, such as BTC, ETH, REN, DOGE, LINK, and others, have dynamic withdrawal fees according to the selected network – Mainnet, BEP2, BEP20, or ERC20. Meanwhile, the other 19 cryptocurrencies have a fixed withdrawal fee per coin, including 8 BNT for Bancor, 2 UNI for Uniswap, 25 JST for Just, and so on.

digitalexchange.id waives admin fees if users deposit Rupiah via BII Maybank and Permata Bank Virtual Accounts (VA) with a minimum of IDR 1,000,000. That makes digitalexchange.id crypto price quite different from the industry average.

Other Services

digitalexchange.id offers an advanced trading tool in the form of AI Signal Trading, which makes it easier for beginners and professionals alike to make profits in every transaction.

The digitalexchange.id cryptocurrency exchange also has a premium feature in the form of arbitrage which makes it easier for users to buy and sell between exchanges to find price differences. Arbitrage tools will provide real-time information on crypto prices and display bids and ask from other exchanges.

Besides, the exchange has the Point center, which is a royalty program given to customers in the form of points that can be exchanged for prizes such as credit, gold, electronic goods, vehicles, and other attractive prizes.

Lastly, there's the referral program that gives users the opportunity to invite friends to invest in the digitalexchange.id crypto exchange. Users earn 10% of the trading fees of invited friends.

About the Company

Founded by Duwi Sudarto Putra in 2018, the digitalexchange.id crypto exchange is headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia, supporting users from around the world. Due to a significant lack of information on the platform, there’s not much information available on the founder or potential cyberattacks in the past.

Check out the chart above to see the current digitalexchange.id volume.

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digitalexchange.id Markets' Analysis

Analysis of digitalexchange.id Markets reveals that the Top pairs traded on the exchange are . The total sum of combined volumes show that the market dominance of the Top0 pairs on digitalexchange.id exchange is 0%. In monetary value, it's currently worth $0.

digitalexchange.id Markets
# Base Currency Quote Currency Name Price Volume Volume % Updated

digitalexchange.id Markets

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# Base Currency Quote Currency Name Price Volume Volume % Updated

digitalexchange.id Popularity Metric Analysis

By analyzing digitalexchange.id social media signals, you can instantly see how active, community-involved and popular the company is. Looking at digitalexchange.id X statistics, it's clear that the brand has 2,549 followers, which is considered to be a quite small follower base. On the other hand, digitalexchange.id is following 92 X accounts. It's important to note that digitalexchange.id has posted 6,097 tweets since it joined X on Mar 30, 2018, which shows the brand's level of involvement and proactiveness.

Looking at digitalexchange.id Telegram stats, the project has 4,050 members. digitalexchange.id currently has 11,498 monthly organic visitors to its website, which is quite a low amount of traffic. The company's Ahrefs Rank is 2,307,819, and the Website Domain Rating is 37 - both of these metrics are deemed as average.

digitalexchange.id Statistics

digitalexchange.id Volume
Volume in BTC
Volume Change 24h
Market Dominance
Market Rank



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