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Volume (24h)
0 BTC 0.00%
Exchange Score
Inactive exchange chart

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KAIDEX v3 Statistics

KAIDEX v3 Volume
Volume in BTC
Volume Change 24h
Market Dominance
Market Rank

KAIDEX v3 Exchange Overview

KAIDEX v3 is a Centralized exchange that ranks #493 on BitDegree Exchange Tracker. KAIDEX v3 has a trading volume of $0 in the last 24 hours and $90,504 in the last 7 days.

KAIDEX v3 currently has 2 cryptocurrencies, 0 fiat currencies and 0 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs).

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KAIDEX v3 Markets
# Base Currency Quote Currency Name Price Volume Volume % Updated

KAIDEX v3 Markets

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# Base Currency Quote Currency Name Price Volume Volume % Updated

KAIDEX v3 Popularity Metric Analysis

By analyzing KAIDEX v3 social media signals, you can instantly see how active, community-involved and popular the company is. Looking at KAIDEX v3 X statistics, it's clear that the brand has 32,613 followers, which is considered to be a quite small follower base. On the other hand, KAIDEX v3 is following 8 X accounts. It's important to note that KAIDEX v3 has posted 153 tweets since it joined X on Jun 14, 2022, which shows the brand's level of involvement and proactiveness.

Looking at KAIDEX v3 Telegram stats, the project has 5,917 members. KAIDEX v3 currently has 0 monthly organic visitors to its website, which is quite a low amount of traffic. The company's Ahrefs Rank is 2,052,295, and the Website Domain Rating is 38 - both of these metrics are deemed as average.

KAIDEX v3 Statistics

KAIDEX v3 Volume
Volume in BTC
Volume Change 24h
Market Dominance
Market Rank


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