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Lykke Exchange Exchange Overview

Lykke cryptocurrency exchange is a platform that provides its users with an easy way to purchase, sell and trade digital currencies. Established in 2015 and based in Switzerland, the platform has become one of the oldest crypto exchanges in operation today. Furthermore, due to being situated in Switzerland, it enjoys strong legal protection from government intervention as well as stringent financial regulations created to ensure investors’ funds are secure.

When discussing the security measures of Lykke crypto exchange, it provides two-factor authentication either through SMS messages or email, as well as cold storage wallets to protect large amounts of money from being accessed by criminals. Furthermore, it adopts KYC/AML policies that abide by anti-money laundering standards and counter-terrorism funding regulations in Europe and os quickly expanding its services across the globe. The platform currently supports over 120 countries worldwide, however, it does not offer its services in Afghanistan, Canada (British Columbia, Quebec, and Saskatchewan), China, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Lebanon, Libya, Namibia, New Zealand, North Korea, Syria, United States, and Yemen.


Lykke crypto exchange offers a variety of trading pairs, from the most popular coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, to lesser-known tokens like Dogecoin, Dash, and Monero. Besides, the platform allows trading with the following fiat currencies: CAD, CHF, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, HUF, ILS, JPY, MXN, NOK, NZD, PLN, RUB, SEK, SGD, TRY, USD, and ZAR.

With more than 200 different crypto assets available for trading on the platform, users have plenty of options when it comes to selecting their desired Lykke trading pairs. In addition, the platform allows fiat-to-crypto trades so customers can easily convert their local money into any supported coin or token without having to use third-party services. The Lykke spot is the only trading option available on the platform, as it does not support margin or leveraged trading.

In terms of Lykke exchange fees, the platform does not charge for trading. However, it does charge custom withdrawal and deposit fees. The only fiat currency that incurs withdrawal charges is the US dollar, where a withdrawal fee of $20 is charged on every withdrawal. Overall, the platform does not charge for crypto deposits, but there is a Lykke crypto price of 0.00025 BTC attached to BTC withdrawals. Other cryptocurrencies have their own unique fees as well.

In addition to trading a wide variety of digital currencies and fiat money, Lykke also provides commodities and its own tokens. One such token is the LKK token with 100 LKKs representing an ownership stake in Lykke Corp.

Other assets that traders may be interested in are the LyCI utility tokens. These tokens stand for their respective crypto indexes: the top 25 cryptos (LyCI), short versions of those cryptos (short LyCI), leading payment cryptos (Pay LyCI), and smart contract projects (Smart LyCI). By providing index investing typically only available to professional traders to anyone, Lykke seeks to make this opportunity more accessible.

About the Company

The Lykke cryptocurrency exchange was founded by Richard Olsen, a Norwegian entrepreneur and former CEO of OANDA. He has more than 20 years of experience in the financial markets industry, specializing in technology-driven trading platforms. Richard also founded the Oslo-based research company Olsen Ltd., which focuses on quantitative finance and algorithmic trading strategies development. His mission with the Lykke exchange is to create an open global marketplace for all asset classes using distributed ledger technology (DLT).

The Lykke trade volume ranged around $159,000 in February 2023. If you want to check the current Lykke volume, take a look above.

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Lykke Exchange Markets
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Lykke Exchange Markets

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Lykke Exchange Popularity Metric Analysis

By analyzing Lykke Exchange social media signals, you can instantly see how active, community-involved and popular the company is. Looking at Lykke Exchange X statistics, it's clear that the brand has 7,063 followers, which is considered to be a quite small follower base. On the other hand, Lykke Exchange is following 1,696 X accounts. It's important to note that Lykke Exchange has posted 5,469 tweets since it joined X on Jan 25, 2016, which shows the brand's level of involvement and proactiveness.

Lykke Exchange currently has 0 monthly organic visitors to its website, which is quite a low amount of traffic. The company's Ahrefs Rank is 399,370, and the Website Domain Rating is 57 - both of these metrics are deemed as good.

Lykke Exchange Statistics

Lykke Exchange Volume
Volume in BTC
Volume Change 24h
Market Dominance
Market Rank



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