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Volume (24h)
12 BTC 1,393.28%
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MDEX (BSC) Statistics

MDEX (BSC) Volume
Volume in BTC
12 BTC
Volume Change 24h
Market Dominance
Market Rank

MDEX (BSC) Exchange Overview

MDEX (BSC) is a Decentralized exchange that ranks #202 on BitDegree Exchange Tracker. MDEX (BSC) has a trading volume of $1,190,204 in the last 24 hours and $574,242,550 in the last 7 days.

MDEX (BSC) currently has 52 cryptocurrencies, 0 fiat currencies and 71 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs).

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MDEX (BSC) cryptocurrency exchange is a decentralized exchange platform that operates on the Binance Smart Chain. It has its own fund pool which provides an additional layer of liquidity. Originally, it was built on the Huobi Ecological Chain (HECO). However, presently MDEX also supports cross-chain transactions between BSC, HECO, and ETH. This platform offers numerous features like liquidity mining, dual mining, token swaps, and automated market maker services.

As a decentralized platform, it does not require any KYC verification process before you get to use it. All you need to do is to connect your wallet to the platform and you are set. Some of the supported wallets on the MDEX (BSC) crypto exchange include Binance Wallet, Binance Chain Wallet, Trust Wallet, Safepal Wallet, Wallet Connect, Coinbase Wallet, and more. Furthermore, users from China, Canada, Singapore, and North Korea are not allowed access to MDEX (BSC) crypto exchange.


There are over 100 MDEX (BSC) trading pairs available on the platform. The common bases or markets include BNB, ETH, WBNB, BTCB, USDT, BUSD, USDC, DAI, MDX, and DUSD. Apart from the MDEX (BSC) spot trading option, the platform gives users the option of futures and leverage trading. Users can leverage up to 200x with a slippage tolerance of 0.5%.

When it comes to MDEX (BSC) exchange fees, the platform charges 0.01% for price impact and 0.003% for liquidity providers. There is no MDEX (BSC) crypto price paid for withdrawals or deposits. Any charge incurred is paid to the blockchain network in question. Furthermore, holders of the MDX token – the platform’s native token – get up to 50% discounts on trading fees.

Other Services

MDEX (BSC) cryptocurrency exchange provides different opportunities for users to make money. These include farming, staking, the Boardroom, and many more.

About the Company

MDEX (BSC) was founded by Nate Flanders and Anant Handa in 2021. The platform was integrated into the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) in April 2021.

Nate graduated from Florida State College in Jacksonville with a degree in business administration, management, and operations. He was the impetus behind a number of initiatives, including founding ResQ, Crypto Coin Trader, and heading Bitwatch. Anant's academic background includes an MBA from Columbia Business School and a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from Purdue University. He has had a variety of positions during his career, including Projects Control Engineer at ExxonMobil Development Company, Investment Banking Associate at Credit Suisse, Product Manager at Apple, and Advisor/COO at Panda Analytics.

By integrating the management of Heco and BSC in 2021, the MDEX cryptocurrency exchange allowed its consumers to transfer their assets across several chains. This integration provided services and transactions through smart contracts throughout its foundational chain as well as the Binance Smart Chain, bringing billions worth of deals and assets to the platform. Additionally, MDEX eventually became involved with the Ethereum network.

As of February 2023, the MDEX (BSC) trade volume ranges around $1,5 million. However, if you're interested in the current MDEX (BSC) volume, take a look above.

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MDEX (BSC) Markets' Analysis

Analysis of MDEX (BSC) Markets reveals that the Top pairs traded on the exchange are . The total sum of combined volumes show that the market dominance of the Top0 pairs on MDEX (BSC) exchange is 0%. In monetary value, it's currently worth $0.

MDEX (BSC) Markets
# Base Currency Quote Currency Name Price Volume Volume % Updated

MDEX (BSC) Markets

Chart loader
# Base Currency Quote Currency Name Price Volume Volume % Updated

MDEX (BSC) Popularity Metric Analysis

By analyzing MDEX (BSC) social media signals, you can instantly see how active, community-involved and popular the company is. Looking at MDEX (BSC) X statistics, it's clear that the brand has 29,619 followers, which is considered to be a quite small follower base. On the other hand, MDEX (BSC) is following 275 X accounts. It's important to note that MDEX (BSC) has posted 682 tweets since it joined X on Jun 16, 2021, which shows the brand's level of involvement and proactiveness.

Looking at MDEX (BSC) Telegram stats, the project has 28,425 members. MDEX (BSC) currently has 70 monthly organic visitors to its website, which is quite a low amount of traffic. The company's Ahrefs Rank is 596,017, and the Website Domain Rating is 52 - both of these metrics are deemed as good.

MDEX (BSC) Statistics

MDEX (BSC) Volume
Volume in BTC
12 BTC
Volume Change 24h
Market Dominance
Market Rank



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