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StellarTerm Exchange


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Launched Jul 01, 2017
Decentralized Exchange
Volume (24h)
47 BTC 35.35%
Exchange Score

StellarTerm Statistics

StellarTerm Volume
Volume in BTC
47 BTC
Volume Change 24h
Market Dominance
Market Rank

StellarTerm Exchange Overview

StellarTerm is a Decentralized exchange that ranks #71 on BitDegree Exchange Tracker. StellarTerm has a trading volume of $4,637,253 in the last 24 hours and $1,770,874,709 in the last 7 days.

StellarTerm currently has 25 cryptocurrencies, 0 fiat currencies and 24 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs).

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StellarTerm crypto exchange is an open-source trading client that allows users to access the Stellar DEX. In other words, it is like a gateway to the Stellar DEX. StellarTerm is built on the Stellar Network with a focus on the XLM token and other Stellar assets. The platform was launched in 2017. StellarTerm provides a wide range of trading features, including trading in real-time with direct access to Stellar DEX, asset-to-asset trades, and advanced trading.

StellarTerm cryptocurrency exchange is a decentralized exchange, and, as such, there are no restrictions on who can participate on the platform. It is, however, prudent to check your country’s regulatory stand on cryptocurrency trading activities before you proceed. In terms of KYC requirements, users just need to connect their crypto wallets to gain access to the platform. For accounts that perform large transactions, verification with government-issued identification cards may be necessary to withdraw and perform swaps as well.

Wallets supported by StellarTerm include WalletConnect, Ledger, Freighter, and Trezor.


All 56 StellarTerm trading pairs available are supported by XLM, which is the only market on the platform. StellarTerm crypto exchange supports only crypto-to-crypto pairs. Furthermore, it supports crypto deposits and purchases of crypto coins with credit or debit cards.

In terms of withdrawal and deposit fees, StellarTerm crypto fees are dependent on the network in question. This allows users to decide the best cost-effective way to carry out their transactions. There are charges on credit and debit card transactions. The estimated StellarTerm exchange fee for this type of transaction is 1% of the amount being purchased.

Additionally, users can swap between crypto assets using the Swap feature of the platform. This is a low-cost option for users who wish to perform swap transactions.

About the Company

StellarTerm was developed in 2017 by Ultra Stellar LLC, creators of the LOBSTR wallet. It was founded by Iris Li. Details about Iris Li are quite scarce online, but she is rumored to be experienced in cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies. The leading team is composed of several talented developers, finance experts, and marketers. However, Iris Li has left the platform and it is now administered by the LOBSTR team.

In January 2023, the StellarTerm trade volume fluctuated around $470,000. Though if you want to see the current StellarTerm volume, take a look above.

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StellarTerm Markets' Analysis

Analysis of StellarTerm Markets reveals that the Top pairs traded on the exchange are . The total sum of combined volumes show that the market dominance of the Top0 pairs on StellarTerm exchange is 0%. In monetary value, it's currently worth $0.

StellarTerm Markets
# Base Currency Quote Currency Name Price Volume Volume % Updated

StellarTerm Markets

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# Base Currency Quote Currency Name Price Volume Volume % Updated

StellarTerm Popularity Metric Analysis

By analyzing StellarTerm social media signals, you can instantly see how active, community-involved and popular the company is. Looking at StellarTerm X statistics, it's clear that the brand has 4,507 followers, which is considered to be a quite small follower base. On the other hand, StellarTerm is following 14 X accounts. It's important to note that StellarTerm has posted 104 tweets since it joined X on Aug 17, 2017, which shows the brand's level of involvement and proactiveness.

StellarTerm currently has 536 monthly organic visitors to its website, which is quite a low amount of traffic. The company's Ahrefs Rank is 86,283, and the Website Domain Rating is 71 - both of these metrics are deemed as very good.

StellarTerm Statistics

StellarTerm Volume
Volume in BTC
47 BTC
Volume Change 24h
Market Dominance
Market Rank



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