It is a quantitative metric calculating how many cryptocurrency coins/tokens were traded (bought & sold) within the last 24 hours on this specific crypto exchange. It's a direct supply & demand indicator of the exchange.
Learn this metricThe trust score metric of crypto exchange is calculated according to Web Traffic, Volume, Average Liquidity, and general Confidence values that are illustrating the accuracy and trustworthiness of the volumes provided by the crypto exchange. All these factors are weighted, and an Exchange score from 0-10 is given.
The total number of coins/tokens available to be traded on this specific exchange.
Learn this metricThe total number of different crypto pairs that's available to be traded on this specific exchange.
Learn this metricIt is a quantitative metric calculating how many cryptocurrency coins/tokens were traded (bought & sold) within the last 24 hours on this specific crypto exchange. It's a direct supply & demand indicator of the exchange.
Learn this metricIt is a quantitative metric calculating how many cryptocurrency coins/tokens were traded (bought & sold) within the last 24 hours on this specific crypto exchange, and is valued in Bitcoin. It's a direct supply & demand indicator of the exchange.
Learn this metricIt is a quantitative metric in percentage describing how many cryptocurrency coins/tokens were traded (bought & sold) within the last 24 hours on this specific crypto exchange, compared to the previous 24 hours.
Learn this metricThe total number of coins/tokens available to be traded on this specific exchange.
Learn this metricThe total number of different crypto pairs that's available to be traded on this specific exchange.
Learn this metricThe current exchange Volume Dominance among all other exchanges in the market.
Learn this metricIt's an overall rank of the specific exchange compared to all other crypto exchanges in the market.
YodeSwap is a Centralized exchange that ranks #483 on BitDegree Exchange Tracker. YodeSwap has a trading volume of $166 in the last 24 hours and $2,166,554 in the last 7 days.
YodeSwap currently has 4 cryptocurrencies, 0 fiat currencies and 4 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs).
Compare YodeSwap side-by-side with other exchanges here: Exchange Comparison Tool.
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Analysis of YodeSwap Markets reveals that the Top pairs traded on the exchange are . The total sum of combined volumes show that the market dominance of the Top0 pairs on YodeSwap exchange is 0%. In monetary value, it's currently worth $0.
# | Base Currency | Quote Currency | Name | Price | Volume | Volume % | Updated |
# | Base Currency | Quote Currency | Name | Price | Volume | Volume % | Updated |
By analyzing YodeSwap social media signals, you can instantly see how active, community-involved and popular the company is. Looking at YodeSwap X statistics, it's clear that the brand has 282 followers, which is considered to be a quite small follower base. On the other hand, YodeSwap is following 65 X accounts. It's important to note that YodeSwap has posted 259 tweets since it joined X on Dec 12, 2023, which shows the brand's level of involvement and proactiveness.
Looking at YodeSwap Telegram stats, the project has 1,735 members. YodeSwap currently has 37 monthly organic visitors to its website, which is quite a low amount of traffic. The company's Ahrefs Rank is 4,566,006, and the Website Domain Rating is 30 - both of these metrics are deemed as average.
It is a quantitative metric calculating how many cryptocurrency coins/tokens were traded (bought & sold) within the last 24 hours on this specific crypto exchange. It's a direct supply & demand indicator of the exchange.
Learn this metricIt is a quantitative metric calculating how many cryptocurrency coins/tokens were traded (bought & sold) within the last 24 hours on this specific crypto exchange, and is valued in Bitcoin. It's a direct supply & demand indicator of the exchange.
Learn this metricIt is a quantitative metric in percentage describing how many cryptocurrency coins/tokens were traded (bought & sold) within the last 24 hours on this specific crypto exchange, compared to the previous 24 hours.
Learn this metricThe total number of coins/tokens available to be traded on this specific exchange.
Learn this metricThe total number of different crypto pairs that's available to be traded on this specific exchange.
Learn this metricThe current exchange Volume Dominance among all other exchanges in the market.
Learn this metricIt's an overall rank of the specific exchange compared to all other crypto exchanges in the market.