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Electroneum Mining: How to Mine Electroneum?

Electroneum (ETN) is a bit of a newcomer to the cryptocurrency world. Naturally, Electroneum mining topics are new, as well. It was created in 2017, when the team behind it ran an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) to raise money to pay for the project’s development. Today, it is the 77th largest digital currency. It has a market capitalization of around $142 million.

The idea of Electroneum is to make cryptocurrency available to everyone. The team behind the project has created very easy-to-use software and made it available on lots of different devices. Both mobile phone and computer users can set up the software needed to mine Electroneum with just a few clicks.

Although it’s very easy to get started mining Electroneum, and users don’t need special hardware, it can still be a little scary – particularly if you’re not a technical type of person! That’s why I've created this handy guide to Electroneum mining.

During the guide, we’ll aim to answer the following questions: What is Electroneum? How does Electroneum mining work? What software do I need? How do I get started? How much money can I make being an Electroneum miner?

This guide will serve as your entry into Electroneum mining, and probably cryptocurrency mining, in general. This is because Electroneum is one of the easiest digital currencies to mine.

By the end of the guide, you should know: what Electroneum is, how to get started with Electroneum mining on both a regular computer and a mobile phone, and if it’s going to be profitable to try it for yourself.

Before we get down to business, though, you should know that there are so much easier ways to obtain Electroneum cryptocurrency. Simply choose a reliable cryptocurrency exchange and buy it instantly - Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken are three highly-recommended options.

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Also, whether it's ETN, BTC or ETH, it's crucial to choose a reliable hardware wallet. Some of the most recommended options include Ledger Nano X and Trezor Model T.

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What is Electroneum (ETN)?

Before going into Electroneum mining, let's start with the basics. Electroneum is a cryptocurrency that is based on another digital coin called Monero (XMR). It is used to make payments from one person to another. The best (and possibly world-changing) part about digital currencies like Electroneum, Monero, and particularly Bitcoin is that no one needs to give you permission to use them. All you need is an internet connection and a wallet address.

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Like Monero, privacy is a very important part of the Electroneum project. Balances are impossible to look up, and no one can tell which wallet a transaction has come from. This gives both Electroneum and Monero a quality that Bitcoin doesn’t have – fungibility.

It’s possible to track Bitcoin transactions between users. This means that a user can tell if a Bitcoin was involved in a crime. This is a bad quality for money to have.

For example, you might receive a Bitcoin that someone once used to buy drugs or indecent material. Even if you received it for something as innocent as selling something on OpenBazaar, when you try to spend the Bitcoin elsewhere, the receiver could decide to reject it. Even though you didn’t commit a crime, the Bitcoin can be considered “tainted” because of its past.

Thanks to their privacy features, it’s impossible to tell where Electroneum or Monero has come from. This means that both currencies can be considered fungible.

What Makes Electroneum Special?

Electroneum differs from Monero because the team behind it have tried to make it as easy to use as possible. The idea is that getting into cryptocurrency should be as simple as downloading an application to your computer or phone.

Today, it can be quite difficult to get hold of some cryptocurrencies. This means that many people who want to get into crypto are put off by the various steps the process might involve. Newer users don’t always want to, or simply can’t verify their identity by sending sensitive documents to strangers or companies online.

What’s more, huge numbers of people from the developing world couldn’t sign up on exchanges because they don’t have any form of identification or a bank account to buy cryptocurrencies with.

Then there are the fees. Services like Coinbase charge large fees for buying cryptocurrencies. This makes it even less likely that poorer users in developing nations would buy digital currencies. This is unfortunate because digital currencies could have some of the greatest impacts in these countries.

Lots of people in these nations might not have bank accounts, but a lot of people in them do have a mobile phone. Therefore, the team behind Electroneum has been keen to develop applications suitable for phone users to mine Electroneum on, as well as to send and receive it.

Understanding Mining Process Itself

Before I get started with the full Electroneum mining guide, you first need to understand what mining cryptocurrency actually is.

Mining is the process of verifying transactions between different users of a cryptocurrency. Rather than using a single central authority to check transactions (like a bank), all the network’s participants (also known as nodes) check that no user has sent the same coins twice, or has cheated the system in any other way.

For doing this work, miners are rewarded with coins. The coins come from a block reward (more on this later), and the fees are included with transactions. The fact that miners earn money for the act of mining is important to stop nodes from joining together and attacking the network. It simply makes more economic sense to play by the rules than it does to try and cheat the network.

What is Electroneum Mining?

The special thing about mining Electroneum is how easy it is to get started. Unless you’re a coder, if you do a Google search about almost any other cryptocurrency mining, you’ll quickly get very confused by the instructions.

The Electroneum team wanted to change this. They wanted to create a cryptocurrency that anyone could mine. This should lead to a more decentralized network, and one that is stronger against attacks.

Electroneum uses a special ASIC-resistant mining code. This makes it different from Bitcoin, for example. In Bitcoin, users can use specialized pieces of hardware that are called ASICs. These chips are expensive to buy. This makes it impossible for every potential user of Bitcoin to run their own node, and mine the currency.

Thanks to the way that Electroneum has been designed, even mobile phones can mine it. It might only make the miner a few cents per day, but when you consider how many people in the world live on less than $2 a day, this can make a big difference.

Note: ASIC stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit. They’re special computer chips that have been designed for one task. In this case, mining cryptocurrencies.

Electroneum Mining Rewards and Difficulty

As mentioned, cryptocurrency miners earn rewards for verifying transactions. These are both the transaction fees, as well as a reward set by the code itself.

The Electroneum mining reward goes to whichever miner (or pool of miners) solves a complex computer problem. If the reward is won by a pool, it is shared between that pool of users. As more and more miners start to attempt to solve this complex problem, they become more competitive. This means that it gets harder for each individual user to mine successfully.

The current miner reward for Electroneum is 6,413.56 ETN, which is equal to $136 at today’s rate.

Any user can win this reward. However, the more processing power (hashrate) a miner has, the more likely they are to solve the problem. Therefore, Electroneum mining pools are a good option for users mining on less powerful devices.

The pools work together on the problem, and it doesn’t matter which individual node solves it. If one member does, the others get a share of the reward. The amount of processing power contributed to the pool will decide how large each user’s share will be.

Different Ways to Mine Electroneum

There are two main ways to mine Electroneum. Users can choose to solo mine, or mine as part of a pool. I’ve listed the advantages of each below.

Solo Mining

Solo Electroneum mining is only suitable for users with high computing power. For Electroneum, this will mean those with dedicated graphics cards on their computers (GPUs).

The advantage of being a solo miner is that you won’t need to pay any fees to the pool itself, and there is no middleman. This second point is important because Electroneum mining pools have been hacked in the past.

The disadvantage of being a solo miner is the waiting time for winning a reward. It can take a very long time to earn when mining solo!

You can think of it like working for a commission. As a car salesperson, for example, you might work many long days without making a single sale. When you do finally hit one, it’s a big payday, but the downtime can get too much for some people. Solo miners can work at the problems for ages and not receive anything. They do get all the rewards when they finally do solve one, though!

Mining as Part of an Electroneum Mining Pool

For most users, working as part of an Electroneum mining pool is the best option. It gives them consistent rewards and allows them to mine cryptocurrency without having to use special hardware.

Mining pools work like this — you combine your computing power with other people, and you are rewarded with the same % of Electroneum as you contribute in power to the pool. So, if you provide 10% of the power to the Electroneum mining pool, you will receive 10% of the reward. Simple!

Whichever option you decide to choose, once you mine ETN, you will need to get yourself a reliable wallet. Ledger Nano X and Trezor Model T are currently among the industry leaders.

Getting Started Mining Electroneum

The following step-by-step guides have been prepared to explain how to mine Electroneum to users who have never mined cryptocurrencies before. They are not the most profitable way, but they should serve as an excellent gateway to introduce people to mining. Unfortunately, this easy guide is only suitable for Windows users, at present.

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Mining Electroneum Using a CPU

First, you need a secure wallet, so that you can store your ETN once you start the Electroneum mining.

Below, I have explained how to create a secure offline wallet. A more functional, but less secure wallet can also be created by signing up to Electroneum from their website. This involves giving the company a lot of information about you, which some users won’t be comfortable with.

Offline Wallet Set Up

The following is a quick guide to setting up an offline wallet.

Step 1: Head to the "Downloads" section of the Electroneum website.

Step 2: Click either “Browser Version” or “Download ZIP”. If you’re using the browser version, you’ll need to make sure you’re using Google Chrome. For this demonstration, I’ll be using the browser version. For more security, the rest of the guide should be performed offline or, ideally, on a computer that has never been online.

Electroneum mining: pool mining software.

Step 3: Read the disclaimer about private keys on the following page. When you understand the importance of keeping your private key secret, you can click “Let’s Get Started”.

Electroneum mining: offline wallet generator.

Step 4: Move your mouse around in random patterns on the next screen. This step is to generate a truly random key set.

Step 5: Next, read the warning about the importance of keeping the printed wallet safe. When you understand the content on the page, click “Save Wallet as PDF.”

Step 6: Open the PDF and print the key sets. For a more secure wallet, disconnect your printer from the internet. Better still, use one without memory or wireless connections.

Note that you can skip all of this, and store ETN coins on one of the top-rated wallets in the industry.

Installing the Beginners Pool Mining Software

Now that you have somewhere to store your mined Electroneum, it’s time to install the mining software.

Step 1: Head to the "Downloads" section of the Electroneum website again.

Step 2: Click on “Download Windows Miner”.

Electroneum mining: pool software download.

Step 3: When you’ve downloaded the software, you might find that either Chrome, or your computer's anti-virus software stops you from opening it. If this is the case, disable your anti-virus and go into Chrome’s settings menu. From there, click the advanced options and disable the option to “protect you from dangerous sites”. Restart the download, and you should find that Chrome now lets you open the “.exe” file.

Electroneum mining: Chrome settings.

Step 4: Once you have opened the Electroneum Pool Miner software, you will find a standard installation menu. Follow the onscreen prompts to add the application to your computer.

Step 5: Open the Electroneum Pool Miner and add your ETN wallet address. You will also need to add a number under the number of threads box. For this, you need to know how many cores your computer’s processor has.

Electroneum mining: pool miner software.

Step 6: Next, you must add the URL of the Electroneum mining pool that you’ll be using. We recommend EasyHash for now. Later, you can try other pools. A full list of Electroneum mining pools and the fees each charge can be found here.

Step 7: Use this format in the URL box: stratum+tcp://[URL]:[port] – you must replace [URL] and [port]. If you’re using a low-end CPU, use “stratum+tcp://etn.easyhash.io:3630”. Alternatively, for high-end CPUs, use “stratum+tcp://etn.easyhash.io:3631”

Step 8: Once all the details have been completed, click “Start Mining”.

That’s all there is to it. Easy, right?

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Mobile Phone Mining

As mentioned earlier, you can also mine Electroneum using a mobile phone. This feature is very new, and currently, it’s only available on Android devices. To install the application and register as a user, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Visit the Google Play store.

Step 2: Search for Electroneum.

Step 3: Click “Download”, then when it has downloaded, click “Install”.

Step 4: Register an account by visiting my.electroneum.com, and filling in the information requested.

Step 5: Verify your email address by visiting your inbox and clicking the link in it.

Step 6: Provide your mobile phone number. Electroneum will then send a code to the number. This stops people from creating many different accounts. When it arrives, enter the code into the box on the registration page.

Step 7: Provide an alternative email address so restoration details can be sent to it, if you lose the PIN code for your account.

Step 8: Key in a PIN code that you are sure to remember. You will need this every time you launch the app or when sending transactions.

Step 9: Finally, head back to your email inbox and click the link in the email sent to you. This confirms that you have received a PIN recovery email. You can now log in to the app.

That’s almost it! No, really!

All you need to do to start Elecetroneum mining now is go down to the box that says “Start Mining”, and click it. Easy, huh?

What Do You Need to Start Electroneum Mining?


We’ve already listed the basic software that you will need to get started with Electroneum mining using a Windows machine and a CPU. If you’re wanting to mine with a GPU or with a different operating system, the process is slightly different. Fortunately, however, all the software is free, and it is listed on the Electroneum website itself. There are also good instructions on how to use these.

You can also check out this mining software:


When Electroneum mining, the amount of ETN you can mine is going to depend on the kind of hardware you are using. Obviously, any Android phone will work, as well as CPUs and GPUs. Electroneum miners come in all shapes and sizes!

CPUs are much cheaper than GPUs, and their performance will be much lower, too. I’ve listed a couple of CPUs and their statistics below:

Note: The higher the hashrate, the better. It increases your chances of receiving the mining reward.

AMD R9 280x:

Cost - $140

Hash Rate- 500 H/s

AMD Radeon Rx 580:

Cost - $300 - 400

Hash Rate- 575 H/s

Now, compare these with the more costly, higher-powered GPUs from the likes of Nvidia and Sapphire:

Nvidia GTX 1070:

Cost - $400 - 500

Hash Rate- 505 H/s

Nvidia GTX 1080:

Cost - $550 - 650

Hash Rate- 600 H/s

Sapphire Radeon RX 480 NITRO+:

Cost -$300

Hash Rate – 600 H/s

Is Electroneum Mining Profitable?

The profitability of the mining Electroneum is going to depend on quite a few factors. I’ve listed them below, to give you a better idea of whether it will be worth it for you:

  • Hashrate: The more powerful your hardware is, the more profitable your mining should be.
  • Power consumption: Devices that use less energy are going to be more profitable.
  • Cost Per kWh: If you live somewhere with cheap energy, you will have a better chance of making a profit.
  • Cost of the hardware: if you spend $600 on a GPU miner, it might take longer to turn a profit.

You can test different configurations of hardware using an online mining profitability calculator. Here is one for you to take a look at — WhatToMine!

Is Mobile Mining Profitable?

Since mobile phones are generally much less powerful than CPUs and certainly GPUs, it is unlikely that you will show pure profit mining Electroneum using a mobile phone. However, since the Electroneum platform targets developing nations, mobile mining could prove an excellent way to save some money on the cost of owning and using the mobile device in the first place.


You should now have a much better understanding of what Electroneum is and how Electroneum mining works. You know how to set up a secure wallet, how to set up a basic Windows mining rig, how to use the mobile phone version of the software, and how to work out how profitable it’s all going to be.

With all that in mind, what do you think about Electroneum mining? Do you think it’s a good way to introduce the idea of cryptocurrency to more people? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Once again, if you decide that ETN mining is not for you, make sure to choose a reliable cryptocurrency exchange to get this coin. A few of the most recommended options include Binance, Coinbase, and KuCoin.

The content published on this website is not aimed to give any kind of financial, investment, trading, or any other form of advice. BitDegree.org does not endorse or suggest you to buy, sell or hold any kind of cryptocurrency. Before making financial investment decisions, do consult your financial advisor.

About Article's Experts & Analysts

By Aaron S.


Having completed a Master’s degree in Economics, Politics, and Cultures of the East Asia region, Aaron has written scientific papers analyzing the differences between Western and Collective forms of capitalism in the post-World War II era. W...
Aaron S. Editor-In-Chief
Having completed a Master’s degree in Economics, Politics, and Cultures of the East Asia region, Aaron has written scientific papers analyzing the differences between Western and Collective forms of capitalism in the post-World War II era.
With close to a decade of experience in the FinTech industry, Aaron understands all of the biggest issues and struggles that crypto enthusiasts face. He’s a passionate analyst who is concerned with data-driven and fact-based content, as well as that which speaks to both Web3 natives and industry newcomers.
Aaron is the go-to person for everything and anything related to digital currencies. With a huge passion for blockchain & Web3 education, Aaron strives to transform the space as we know it, and make it more approachable to complete beginners.
Aaron has been quoted by multiple established outlets, and is a published author himself. Even during his free time, he enjoys researching the market trends, and looking for the next supernova.

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Can you mine Electroneum?

Yes - Electroneum is one of those cryptocurrencies that can, indeed, be mined (as opposed to staking). In fact, the core idea behind this crypto project is to make it as accessible to be mined as possible. Thus, the mining setup takes but a few easy steps to complete, and users are even able to mine Electroneum with their mobile phones.

Is Electroneum mining worth it?

That depends! The fact that Electroneum is so simple to start mining definitely makes it an attractive crypto to get into, if you're looking to start your mining journey. However, profitability-wise, it will depend on a variety of factors - the time when you wish to start mining Electroneum, your electricity price, whether or not you'll be using GPUs and CPUs, and so on.

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Reading through various best crypto exchange reviews online, you're bound to notice that one of the things that most of these exchanges have in common is that they are very simple to use. While some are more straightforward and beginner-friendly than others, you shouldn't encounter any difficulties with either of the top-rated exchanges. That said, many users believe that KuCoin is one of the simpler exchanges on the current market.

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In layman's terms, a cryptocurrency exchange is a place where you meet and exchange cryptocurrencies with another person. The exchange platform (i.e. Binance) acts as a middleman - it connects you (your offer or request) with that other person (the seller or the buyer). With a brokerage, however, there is no "other person" - you come and exchange your crypto coins or fiat money with the platform in question, without the interference of any third party. When considering cryptocurrency exchange rankings, though, both of these types of businesses (exchanges and brokerages) are usually just thrown under the umbrella term - exchange. This is done for the sake of simplicity.

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No, definitely not! While some of the top cryptocurrency exchanges are, indeed, based in the United States (i.e. KuCoin or Kraken), there are other very well-known industry leaders that are located all over the world. For example, Binance is based in Tokyo, Japan, while Bittrex is located in Liechtenstein. While there are many reasons for why an exchange would prefer to be based in one location over another, most of them boil down to business intricacies, and usually have no effect on the user of the platform.



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